Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Ganyu Rating and Best Build(Page 5)Comment

Showing 6-25 of 180 entries


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    90 Zajef77 is the best TCalmost 3 yearsReport


    89 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Ganyu! Ganyu! Ganyu!

    88 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    i was thinking the same thing, i dont have her (yet?) but ive already maxed hamayumi for if i do get her ;-;

    87 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Why noone said anything about using Hamayumi on her? Got at least 45-60k dps for one shot with full energy.

    86 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Zhongli, because he’s the most flexible character among them. You can use him as a sub dps, burst dps and shield too!

    85 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    between the 4 upcoming banners in 2.4, who should i pull for?

    84 Ayaka and Eula Main. almost 3 yearsReport

    Oh and if you are wondering why I am talking about builds in zhongli and gnayu pages is that I might get either of them or lose 50 50 since my wish is at 50 and I'm sharing my wishes on both their banners sub dps ganyu btw for my ayaka team

    83 Ayaka and Eula Main. almost 3 yearsReport

    She can be easily fitted into team comps which makes her deserving at SS tier in c0

    82 Ayaka and Eula Main. almost 3 yearsReport

    She require some time to charge her shots and is then not recommended for mobile players she would also need shielders while charging or would get interrupted despite her skill

    81 Ayaka and Eula Main. almost 3 yearsReport

    Oh and I think ganyu and ayaka are both alright although ganyu and ayaka skill set are kind of flip since ayka dmg output mostly from her burst while ganyu is her charged shots ayaka is able to constantly apply cryo and is able to produce a lot of cryo particles with her skills but has a high burst cost despite it her auto and charged deal moderate dmg my best is 8 to 10k per charged slash ganyu has better support capabilities and is also able to deal decent dmg and doesn't have many flaws

    80 Ayaka and Eula Main. almost 3 yearsReport

    This is my personal build they may be better builds out there but you can use this if you want and I forgot I left out that u can also use 2pc bs and 2pc nobles if you are focus support sub dps You have every right to say if there is something wrong with my build but this is what I learnt from my sources and playing genshin generally despite not having ganyu

    79 Ayaka and Eula Main. almost 3 yearsReport

    My reason is if you have a dps who have high er cost such as ayaka this will allow better utility for er weapons and boots cryo dmg for your dps also more often

    78 Ayaka and Eula Main. almost 3 yearsReport

    8 6 6 or 8 4 4 for dps ganyu 6 6 6 or 6 8 8 if you still use her charged as a sub dps full support u might want to do 16 6 or 1 8 8 tho not recommended c0 c1 c2 ganyu is okay Ideal artifact setup would be atk cryo crit rate or crit dmg if you are doing 4pc bs frozen team. Crit rate bow would be good in melt comp atk bow is fine crit dmg or atk bow for frozen. For a more focus support or sub dps skill build stringless or sac ref 2 bowor favonius

    77 Ayaka and Eula Main. almost 3 yearsReport

    Ganyu is a quite a balance character so she may fill in the role as a support sub dps or dps ideally dps or sub dps. 4pc WT atk percent bow quite common can quite craftable since most bows in genshin are dps or sub dps focused especially craftable. 4pc WT is more ideally for melt comp you may want to consider 4pc bs in frozen team as a dps or sub dps for a more balance build you can do 2pc glad 2pc bs dps talent priority isauto attacks for a sub dps not focus charge u mya want to even out talent

    76 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Y'all reading to much tier lists instead of playing the game lol

    75 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    I'd definitely put ganyu above Ayaka. No idea why she's down in s tier

    74 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    I mean, she's objectively the best dps in the game. Putting Ayaka above her is bias

    73 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Why was she moved from SS to S??

    72 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    I'd put her B tier in exploration because of that and because she can swim fast

    71 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    the second one sounds better, since you do more damage with it and you also have more crit rate

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