Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

5.2 Tier List and the Best Characters as of November 2024(Page 43)Comment

Showing 44-63 of 12899 entries


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    12059 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    please just go f yourself and shut YOUR mouth up, this ain't superiority this is reality and if you wanna be a fake just to get likes then leave this game and any game community and play alond. And please accept the fact that C2 Raiden IS C2. Period

    12058 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Amber best ever and its not even close

    12057 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    kaeya da best

    12056 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    can't crit and can't cook are best chars in this game,and nothing ll change it xD

    12055 -_-7 monthsReport


    12054 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Please just shut up, accept the fact that she aint SS anymore, I got c2 raiden since day 1 of her release and been her main I know that its a fact. Stop coping, if you like character thats ok dont impose their superiority over others.

    12053 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Meta slaves are the worst and more importantly simps are down bad of any character just play what you like games meant to be enjoyed like cmon man I love yoimiya but that criticism i got from genshin community for not getting hutao bruh

    12052 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Raiden haters like yourself can't accept reality? Damn bruh, just shut up

    12051 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Exactly, you pull for whoever you like, so I just don't get people who say "you should pull... you shouldn't pull..." like that's my problem, just let me play the game and that's it, they only care about meta and if you're not a meta slave like them they're offended

    12050 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Raiden simps cant accept reality? Damn bruh

    12049 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Ofc you dont need 5* characters but artifact luck is also something you need to get good performance not best but aleast decent ones I have seen many abyss clears with 4 stars but their investment is high in artifacts. The reason players go for meta is cuz they are relatively easy and high performing although I aint meta slave I just pull for whoever I like.

    12048 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Yes that is true just because someone is replaceable dosent mean they are better than that character but like you can go for other characters you actually like no? Also by Navi is it Neuvillete or Navia? Cuz man I need Navia got her weapon but not her :(

    12047 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    get some help

    12046 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    don't listen to the idiots that tell you Raiden isn't something special, they have short memory and forget why a character is good (picture those new "criteria"...)

    12045 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Nobody in this game is irreplaceable, just look at all those f2p 4* abyss clear, you don't need any 5* char if you got skills, but if you have skill issue sure just pull those "meta" 5*. Real players pull who they like, not everyone is a meta slave

    12044 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    .... ofc navi arle zhongli nahida benny are best in what are they doing but so is raiden :) If you can replace some one in team doesn't mean that he is better :) He is only substitusion :)

    12043 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    fishl and kuki don't got nuke, and i don't need to get raiden got her since release :) arle you can replace with hu tao ot lyney, benny with furina + benny dont work with lots of new teams, zhongli you can replace with many shielders, layla, thoma, beidou, diona, etc , navi dps is hard to replace but stil you can go with childe or ayato they wont clear so fast as navi but are still good, nahida is only unreplacable char you mentioned.

    12042 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    >"On-field support" >She helped your Sub-DPS energy issues (your Sub-DPS can use ATK% instead ER% sands) >But you argument literally: "Sub-DPS is only good for her because her permanent skill" (why you implied that SHE is the Sub-DPS one?)

    12041 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Yes they work too pretty good even I use her with neuv but llike if you already got kuki or ficshl who gets the job done I dont see why must you get raiden unless you are her simp or like her character design. Although overall if you want a flexible electro unit team Raiden works but like Ficshl also works man like there are character that can replace her unlike Zhongli, Neuv, Arle, benny, Nahida etc who I dont think are replaceable for now.

    12040 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    why blooms only, for navi/furina taser is good, for arle/chevreuse overload good too and for many other not so strong teams also good :)

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