Roche Appreciation Thread


All posts (5 total)
1 Anonymous04/20/2020 9:21 PMReport

Can we take some time to appreciate the absolute doofus that is Roche? He's amazing in more ways than one

    2 Anonymous04/20/2020 9:24 PMReport

    Easy viewing of Roche's greatness for your pleasure:

    3 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:00 PMReport

    Havent played the game yet so I'll have to hold off on whos great or whos not. Also, kyrie looks cute and im not afraid of thr FBI.

    4 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:12 PMReport

    If anyone's played games from the Yakuza series, it feels like Roche is gonna be FF7R's version of Majima and I hope Roche just pops out of nowhere in the later parts

    5 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:35 PMReport

    Havent played the yakuza series but people really praise it a lot. And since they introduced roche as early as the main cast then I guess he really will make more appearances.

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