Epic Seven

How to Clear Chapter 8. Lone Tundra

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This article will guide you on how to clear the Chapter 8 - Lone Tundra of the game Epic Seven. Read on for more information and tips for beating this chapter

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Chapter 7. North Lefundos Chapter 9. North Wintenberg
Main Story
Chapter 8-1 Chapter 8-2 Chapter 8-3 Chapter 8-4
Chapter 8-5 Chapter 8-6 Chapter 8-7 Chapter 8-8
Chapter 8-9 Chapter 8-10
Optional Stage
Chapter 8-S1 Chapter 8-S2 Chapter 8-S3 Chapter 8-S4
Chapter 8-S5 Chapter 8-S6
Related Links

Chapter 8-1. Slumber Field

Star Completion

Initial Clear
Story Clear
Have 1 Earth Hero in the Team


Enemy Element Level
Frost Tortus Icon.pngFrost Tortus (Elite) Ice.pngIce Level 74
Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon Earth.pngEarth Level 74
Frost Tortus Icon.pngFrost Tortus Ice.pngIce Level 74
Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon Ice.pngIce Level 74

Obtainable Rewards

Shiny Enchantment.pngShiny Enchantment Eternal Forest Dust.pngEternal Forest Dust Lefundos Long Sword.pngLefundos Long Sword Winter Fur Hat.pngWinter Fur Hat
Winter Fur Doublet.pngWinter Fur Doublet Winter Boots.pngWinter Boots Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal
Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon +8AP.png +8 Adventure Points

Chapter 8-2. White Hat Hill

Star Completion

Initial Clear
Story Clear
Have 1 Earth Hero in the Team


Enemy Element Level
Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon (Elite) Earth.pngEarth Level 74
Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon Earth.pngEarth Level 74
Carbuncle Aisha Icon.pngCarbuncle Aisha Ice.pngIce Level 74
Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Ice.pngIce Level 74

Obtainable Rewards

Ultra Fang.pngUltra Fang Eternal Forest Dust.pngEternal Forest Dust Shiny Enchantment.pngShiny Enchantment Lefundos Long Sword.pngLefundos Long Sword
Winter Fur Hat.pngWinter Fur Hat Winter Fur Doublet.pngWinter Fur Doublet Winter Boots.pngWinter Boots Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon
Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon +8AP.png +8 Adventure Points

Chapter 8-3. Snowflake Trail

Star Completion

Initial Clear
Story Clear
Have 1 Earth Hero in the Team


Enemy Element Level
Vehement Harpy Icon.pngVehement Harpy (Elite) Ice.pngIce Level 74
Vehement Harpy Icon.pngVehement Harpy Ice.pngIce Level 74
Carbuncle Aisha Icon.pngCarbuncle Aisha Ice.pngIce Level 74
Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal Earth.pngEarth Level 74

Obtainable Rewards

Ultra Fang.pngUltra Fang Shiny Enchantment.pngShiny Enchantment Lefundos Long Sword.pngLefundos Long Sword Winter Fur Hat.pngWinter Fur Hat
Winter Fur Doublet.pngWinter Fur Doublet Winter Boots.pngWinter Boots Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal
Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon +8AP.png +8 Adventure Points

Chapter 8-4. Buried Hope Yard (Labyrinth Stage)

Star Completion

Initial Clear
Story Clear
Open Gold Chest


Enemy Element Level
Forma of Creation Icon.pngForma of Creation (Elite) Light.pngLight Level 75
Starving Frost Troll Icon.pngStarving Frost Troll (Elite) Ice.pngIce Level 75
Lush Gaze Icon.pngLush Gaze Earth.pngEarth Level 75
Frost Slime Icon.pngFrost Slime Ice.pngIce Level 75
Snow Slime Icon.pngSnow Slime Ice.pngIce Level 75
Guardian Gargoyle Icon.pngGuardian Gargoyle Ice.pngIce Level 75

Obtainable Rewards

Ultra Fang.pngUltra Fang Flame of Soul.pngFlame of Soul Slime Jelly.pngSlime Jelly Mysterious Flash.pngMysterious Flash
Lefundos Long Sword.pngLefundos Long Sword Winter Fur Hat.pngWinter Fur Hat Winter Fur Doublet.pngWinter Fur Doublet Winter Boots.pngWinter Boots
Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon
+8AP.png +8 Adventure Points

Chapter 8-5. Shiny Path (Labyrinth Stage)

Star Completion

Initial Clear
Story Clear
Have 1 Earth Hero in the Team


Enemy Element Level
Pet Carbuncle Fontana Icon.pngPet Carbuncle Fontana (Elite) Ice.pngIce Level 75
Forma of Creation Icon.pngForma of Creation Light.pngLight Level 75
Forest Dark Broom Icon.pngForest Dark Broom Earth Level 75
Water Klineode Icon.pngWater Klineode Ice.pngIce Level 75
Pet Carbuncle Fontana Icon.pngPet Carbuncle Fontana Ice.pngIce Level 75

Obtainable Rewards

Blessing of Orbis.pngBlessing of Orbis Mysterious Flash.pngMysterious Flash Lefundos Long Sword.pngLefundos Long Sword Winter Fur Hat.pngWinter Fur Hat
Winter Fur Doublet.pngWinter Fur Doublet Winter Boots.pngWinter Boots Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal
Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon +8AP.png +8 Adventure Points

Chapter 8-6. Princess' Parlor (Labyrinth & Boss Stage)

Star Completion

Initial Clear
Story Clear
Open Gold Chest


Enemy Element Level
Solitaria of the Snow Icon.pngSolitaria of the Snow(Boss) Light.pngLight Level 75
Forest Harpy Icon.pngForest Harpy (Elite) Earth Level 75
Pet Carbuncle Fontana Icon.pngPet Carbuncle Fontana (Elite) Ice.pngIce Level 75
Forest Harpy Icon.pngForest Harpy Earth Level 75
Icy Dark Broom Icon.pngIcy Dark Broom Ice.pngIce Level 75
Gentle Grassland Troll Icon.pngGentle Grassland Troll Earth Level 75
Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Ice.pngIce Level 75
Carbuncle Aisha Icon.pngCarbuncle Aisha Ice.pngIce Level 75
Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal Earth Level 75
Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon Ice.pngIce Level 75
Pet Carbuncle Fontana Icon.pngPet Carbuncle Fontana Ice.pngIce Level 75
Gold Klineode Icon.pngGold Klineode Light.pngLight Level 75
Water Klineode Icon.pngWater Klineode Ice.pngIce Level 75
Lush Gaze Icon.pngLush Gaze Earth Level 75
Starving Frost Troll Icon.pngStarving Frost Troll Ice.pngIce Level 75
Mysterious Metallic Troll Icon.pngMysterious Metallic Troll Light.pngLight Level 75

Obtainable Rewards

Ultra Fang.pngUltra Fang Mysterious Flash.pngMysterious Flash Eternal Forest Dust.pngEternal Forest Dust Shiny Enchantment.pngShiny Enchantment
Flame of Soul.pngFlame of Soul Blessing of Orbis.pngBlessing of Orbis Lefundos Long Sword.pngLefundos Long Sword Winter Fur Hat.pngWinter Fur Hat
Winter Fur Doublet.pngWinter Fur Doublet Winter Boots.pngWinter Boots Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal
Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon +8AP.png +8 Adventure Points

Chapter 8-7. Crystal Corridor (Boss Stage)

Star Completion

Initial Clear
Story Clear
Have 1 Ice Hero in the Team


Enemy Element Level
Bomb Model Kanna Icon.pngBomb Model Kanna (Boss) Fire Level 75
Army Rescue Dog Icon.pngArmy Rescue Dog Light.pngLight Level 75
Politia Scout Icon.pngPolitia Scout Ice.pngIce Level 75
Surveilance Drone Icon.pngSurveilance Drone Fire Level 75
Pursuit Drone Icon.pngPursuit Drone Ice.pngIce Level 75

Obtainable Rewards

Special Alarm Loop.pngSpecial Alarm Loop Path Power Loop.pngPath Power Loop Lefundos Long Sword.pngLefundos Long Sword Winter Fur Hat.pngWinter Fur Hat
Winter Fur Doublet.pngWinter Fur Doublet Winter Boots.pngWinter Boots Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal
Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon +8AP.png +8 Adventure Points

Chapter 8-8. Ice Rose Garden

Star Completion

Initial Clear
Story Clear
Have 1 Earth Hero in the Team


Enemy Element Level
Mysterious Metallic Troll Icon.pngMysterious Metallic Troll (Elite) Light.pngLight Level 75
Guardian Gargoyle Icon.pngGuardian Gargoyle Ice.pngIce Level 75
Pet Carbuncle Silvis Icon.pngPet Carbuncle Silvis Earth Level 75
Starving Frost Troll Icon.pngStarving Frost Troll Ice.pngIce Level 75

Obtainable Rewards

Ultra Fang.pngUltra Fang Flame of Soul.pngFlame of Soul Blessing of Orbis.pngBlessing of Orbis Lefundos Long Sword.pngLefundos Long Sword
Winter Fur Hat.pngWinter Fur Hat Winter Fur Doublet.pngWinter Fur Doublet Winter Boots.pngWinter Boots Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon
Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon +8AP.png +8 Adventure Points

Chapter 8-9. Frost Flower Courtyard

Star Completion

Initial Clear
Story Clear
Have 1 Earth Hero in the Team


Enemy Element Level
Politia Elite Guard Icon.pngPolitia Elite Guard (Elite) Light.pngLight Level 75
Army Attack Dog Icon.pngArmy Attack Dog Ice.pngIce Level 75
Pursuit Drone Icon.pngPursuit Drone Ice.pngIce Level 75
Support Drone Icon.pngSupport Drone Light.pngLight Level 75
Politia Scout Icon.pngPolitia Scout Ice.pngIce Level 75
Politia Elite Guard Icon.pngPolitia Elite Guard Light.pngLight Level 75

Obtainable Rewards

Special Alarm Loop.pngSpecial Alarm Loop Path Power Loop.pngPath Power Loop Lefundos Long Sword.pngLefundos Long Sword Winter Fur Hat.pngWinter Fur Hat
Winter Fur Doublet.pngWinter Fur Doublet Winter Boots.pngWinter Boots Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal
Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon +8AP.png +8 Adventure Points

Chapter 8-10. Dreaming Forest

Star Completion

Initial Clear
Story Clear
Have 1 Earth Hero in the Team


Enemy Element Level
Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon (Elite) Earth Level 75
Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon Earth Level 75
Frost Tortus Icon.pngFrost Tortus Ice.pngIce Level 75
Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal Earth Level 75

Obtainable Rewards

Shiny Enchantment.pngShiny Enchantment Eternal Forest Dust.pngEternal Forest Dust Lefundos Long Sword.pngLefundos Long Sword Winter Fur Hat.pngWinter Fur Hat
Winter Fur Doublet.pngWinter Fur Doublet Winter Boots.pngWinter Boots Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal
Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon +8AP.png +8 Adventure Points

Chapter 8-S1. Perpetually Snowy Mountain (Optional Stage)

Star Completion

Initial Clear
Have 2 Earth Heroes in the Team
Have 1 Warrior in the Team


Enemy Element Level
Pet Carbuncle Silvis Icon.pngPet Carbuncle Silvis (Elite) Earth Level 75
Tundra Angara Icon.pngTundra Angara Ice.pngIce Level 75
Carbuncle Aisha Icon.pngCarbuncle Aisha Ice.pngIce Level 75
Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal Earth Level 75

Obtainable Rewards

Ultra Fang.pngUltra Fang Blessing of Orbis.pngBlessing of Orbis Shiny Enchantment.pngShiny Enchantment Lefundos Long Sword.pngLefundos Long Sword
Winter Fur Hat.pngWinter Fur Hat Winter Fur Doublet.pngWinter Fur Doublet Winter Boots.pngWinter Boots Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon
Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon +8AP.png +8 Adventure Points

Chapter 8-S2. Flurry Village Entrance (Optional Stage)

Star Completion

Initial Clear
Have 2 Dark Heroes in the Team
Have 1 Warrior in the Team


Enemy Element Level
Carbuncle Aura Icon.pngCarbuncle Aura (Elite) Light.pngLight Level 75
Carbuncle Aura Icon.pngCarbuncle Aura Light.pngLight Level 75
Frost Tortus Icon.pngFrost Tortus Ice.pngIce Level 75
Sun Seed Icon.pngSun Seed Light.pngLight Level 75

Obtainable Rewards

Ultra Fang.pngUltra Fang Shiny Enchantment.pngShiny Enchantment Lefundos Long Sword.pngLefundos Long Sword Winter Fur Hat.pngWinter Fur Hat
Winter Fur Doublet.pngWinter Fur Doublet Winter Boots.pngWinter Boots Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal
Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon +8AP.png +8 Adventure Points

Chapter 8-S3. Ice Castle Entrance (Optional Stage)

Star Completion

Initial Clear
Have 2 Earth Heroes in the Team
Have 1 Warrior in the Team


Enemy Element Level
Gentle Grassland Troll Icon.pngGentle Grassland Troll (Elite) Earth Level 75
Starving Frost Troll Icon.pngStarving Frost Troll Ice.pngIce Level 75
Lush Gaze Icon.pngLush Gaze Earth Level 75
Guardian Gargoyle Icon.pngGuardian Gargoyle Ice.pngIce Level 75
Gentle Grassland Troll Icon.pngGentle Grassland Troll Earth Level 75

Obtainable Rewards

Ultra Fang.pngUltra Fang Flame of Soul.pngFlame of Soul Mysterious Flash.pngMysterious Flash Lefundos Long Sword.pngLefundos Long Sword
Winter Fur Hat.pngWinter Fur Hat Winter Fur Doublet.pngWinter Fur Doublet Winter Boots.pngWinter Boots Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon
Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon +8AP.png +8 Adventure Points

Chapter 9-S4. Ice Tree Trail (Optional Stage)

Star Completion

Initial Clear
Have 2 Earth Heroes in the Team
Have 1 Soul Weaver in the Team


Enemy Element Level
Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon (Elite) Earth Level 75
Vehement Harpy Icon.pngVehement Harpy Ice.pngIce Level 75
Forest Harpy Icon.pngForest Harpy Earth Level 75
Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon Earth Level 75
Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Ice.pngIce Level 75

Obtainable Rewards

Ultra Fang.pngUltra Fang Eternal Forest Dust.pngEternal Forest Dust Shiny Enchantment.pngShiny Enchantment Lefundos Long Sword.pngLefundos Long Sword
Winter Fur Hat.pngWinter Fur Hat Winter Fur Doublet.pngWinter Fur Doublet Winter Boots.pngWinter Boots Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon
Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon +8AP.png +8 Adventure Points

Chapter 8-S5. Crystal Lake Trail (Optional Stage)

Star Completion

Initial Clear
Have 2 Dark Heroes in the Team
Have 1 Soul Weaver in the Team


Enemy Element Level
Forma of Creation Icon.pngForma of Creation (Elite) Light.pngLight Level 75
Forma of Creation Icon.pngForma of Creation Light.pngLight Level 75
Icy Dark Broom Icon.pngIcy Dark Broom Ice.pngIce Level 75
Green Klineode Icon.pngGreen Klineode Earth Level 75

Obtainable Rewards

Mysterious Flash.pngMysterious Flash Lefundos Long Sword.pngLefundos Long Sword Winter Fur Hat.pngWinter Fur Hat Winter Fur Doublet.pngWinter Fur Doublet
Winter Boots.pngWinter Boots Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal
Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon +8AP.png +8 Adventure Points

Chapter 8-S6. Ice Castle Back Gate (Optional Stage)

Star Completion

Initial Clear
Have 2 Earth Heroes in the Team
Have 1 Soul Weaver in the Team


Enemy Element Level
Starving Frost Troll Icon.pngStarving Frost Troll (Elite) Ice.pngIce Level 75
Gold Klineode Icon.pngGold Klineode Light.pngLight Level 75
Starving Frost Troll Icon.pngStarving Frost Troll Ice.pngIce Level 75
Green Klineode Icon.pngGreen Klineode Earth Level 75
Lush Gaze Icon.pngLush Gaze Earth Level 75

Obtainable Rewards

Mysterious Flash.pngMysterious Flash Flame of Soul.pngFlame of Soul Lefundos Long Sword.pngLefundos Long Sword Winter Fur Hat.pngWinter Fur Hat
Winter Fur Doublet.pngWinter Fur Doublet Winter Boots.pngWinter Boots Forest Gryphon Icon.pngForest Gryphon Wind Crystal Icon.pngWind Crystal
Frost Crystal Icon.pngFrost Crystal Tormented Gryphon Icon.pngTormented Gryphon +8AP.png +8 Adventure Points
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
Chapter 7. North Lefundos Chapter 9. North Wintenberg

Related Links

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Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 2S Chapter 3
Chapter 3S Chapter 4-1
Chapter 4-2 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Chapter 9-1
Chapter 9-2 Chapter 10
Chapter 5S Chapter 8S
## Episode 1.5: Unrecorded History (Epilogue)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 2S Chapter 3
Chapter 3S Chapter 4-1
Chapter 4-2 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Chapter 9-1
Chapter 9-2 Chapter 10
Chapter 5S Chapter 8S
## Episode 2: Godkiller
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5-1 Chapter 5-2
Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Chapter 10
## Episode 3: Hymn of a Wailing Tundra
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Chapter 7S Chapter 8S
Chapter 9 Chapter 10
List of Story Walkthrough


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