Epic Seven

Automaton Tower Floor 11 Guide

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This article will help provide you with info regarding Automaton Tower Floor 11. Including Enemies, active Monster Devices, as well as Rewards. Read on for more information on how to clear these certain floors within this section.

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Automaton Tower Floor 11 Guide

Difficulty Active Monster Devices Rewards
1 Resistance Device Icon.png Leif
Resistance Device Icon.png Hero Debilitation Device Icon.png
2 Leif
Resistance Device Icon.png Hero Debilitation Device Icon.png Disobedience Device Icon.pngBody Enhancement Device Icon.png
2 Leif
Hero Debilitation Device Icon.png Resistance Device (Good) Icon.png Disobedience Device (Good) Icon.pngBody Enhancement Device (Good) Icon.png
2 Leif
Recommended Type A High Speed & Attack Team
Recommended Team Composition A High Speed Cleave Hero, paired with a good Debuffer, another Attacker that can attack multiple enemies and deal damage based on a percentage of the caster's attack. A good support unit will definitely help as well for those peskier floors.
Tips for Clearing ・Strong multiple target Attacks
・Try and finish off enemies in the first turn.
Recommended Heroes
Arbiter Vildred Icon.pngArbiter Vildred Iseria Icon.pngIseria Baiken Icon.pngBaiken Tamarinne Icon.pngTamarinne
Blood Blade Karin Icon.pngBlood Blade Karin Bellona Icon.pngBellona Dizzy Angelic Montmorancy Icon.pngAngelic Montmorancy

Tips before Challenging

Monsters are immune to stun as well as take reduced damage from attacks that cause damage proportional to max health.
Prioritize bringing heroes that don't deal damage proportional to their max health. Or, just power through this by making sure your heroes have a high enough Attack that this won't even be a problem.
Heroes recover less health.
Using Heroes with increased stats in both Speed and Attack, you can limit the chances monsters have attacking you. You won't need to recover health if you don't get it.
Monsters have increased Effectiveness and Effect Resistance.
Use Critical Hit Chance as well as Speed to your advantage and brute strength your way to defeat the monsters immediately. Eventually, you'll be able to find devices that can provide debuffs that ignore Effect Resistance against monsters.


Scarlet Imp Icon.pngScarlet Imp Fiery Caides Icon.pngFiery Caides

Again, Speed here, is key.

Scarlet Imps steal health whenever they attack, while Fiery Caides' attacks defense breaks your heroes while increasing its own attacks.

Getting a jump on them, hitting them hard and fast to get rid of them quickly is the best thing to do.

Like always, quickly defense break and cast other debuffs on them to make them more manageable. Then, bombard them with your strong muli-target attacks to quickly reduce their numbers.

As their numbers dwindle, the battle will become more manageable.

Pick off the remaining Fiery Caides first, then finish off the Scarlet Imps last.

Don't forget to heal when you can, and move onto the next floor.

Related Links

Automaton Tower Floors 1~25 Guide

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Floor 10 Floor 12

List of Devices Automaton Tower Guides
Automaton Tower


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