Epic Seven

Mercenary's Medicine

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This page lists the material Mercenary's Medicine in the game Epic Seven. Read on for more information on its uses and how to obtain Mercenary's Medicine.

Mercenary's Medicine - Information


Mercenary's Medicine Epic Catalyst
A Catalyst used for heroes with the zodiac sign of Sagittarius.

Mercenary's Medicine - How To Obtain

Side Story - Unrecorded History Chapter 4-1. Solayu Swamp World
Cost: 400 AP
Alchemist's Steeple (Sanctuary) Normal Grade = 1 Converted Catalyst
Good Grade = 2 Coverted Catalyst
Epic Grade = 3 Converted Catalyst

Mercenary's Medicine - Where to Use

Heroes That Uses

List of Sagittarius Heroes
Ambitious TywinAmbitious Tywin TamarinneTamarinne ChloeChloe
Top Model LulucaTop Model Luluca Spirit Eye CelineSpirit Eye Celine ZahhakZahhak
Desert Jewel BasarDesert Jewel Basar Fallen CeciliaFallen Cecilia SolSol
VivianVivian Blaze DingoBlaze Dingo Mercenary HelgaMercenary Helga
AinosAinos HasolHasol Researcher CarrotResearcher Carrot
RequiemroarRequiemroar CelesteCeleste JechtJecht
CarrotCarrot AdlayAdlay MucachaMucacha

Related Links

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List of All Materials


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