Epic Seven

Scorpetra - Skills and Stats

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This page contains the Stats and Skills for the monster Scorpetra in the game Epic Seven. Read on to find tips for beating Scorpetra.

Scorpetra - Stats

Scorpetra image

Basic Information

Grade ★5 - ★6
Element Dark
Class Warrior
Zodiac Sagittarius

Stats (at Max Lv.)

CP 82519
Atk 5158
HP 47975
Spd 108
Def 987
Critical Hit Chance Critical Hit Damage
24% 150%
Dual Attack Chance Effectiveness
5% 0%
Effect Resistance

Scorpetra - Skills

Sever (Scorpetra)
Attacks with a shockwave emitted from its pincers, with a 75% chance to decrease Defense for 3 turns.
Flash Beam
Releases dark energy, stunning enemies with Health less than 30%.
Attacks with a strange power, decreasing current Health by 70% and Combat Readiness by 100%.

Scorpetra - Awaken

This monster can not be awaken.

Epic Seven Related Links

Monsters by Category
Church of Ilryos.pngChurch of Ilryos dokuro.pngUndead Demon.pngDemon
Magic Creature.pngMagic Creature Unkown.pngUnknown Human Type.pngHuman Type
Insect.pngInsect Beast.pngBeast Machinery.pngMachinery Spirit.pngSpirit

List of All Monsters


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