The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Walkthrough Comments


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    4 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    I know there was a spot around Hebra that had one around but I forgot to mark where it was, it was up some mountain but that doesn't narrow it down

    3 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    You have to basically check every spawn point every blood moon.

    2 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Sooooo for the royal guard’s boots i need black boss bokoblin horns to upgrade it the lvl 3 but i’ve progressed so far there are only silver bosses. What do i do?

    1 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Sooooo for the royal guard’s boots i need black boss bokoblin horns to upgrade it the lvl 3 but i’ve progressed so far there are only silver bosses. What do i do?

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