The First Descendant Walkthrough Comments

Sharen Code: How to Get and UseComment

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    3 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport

    With all due respect. 20% is accurate. it's 20% every seperate run. this does not mean that you'll have after 5 time. Like rolling dice, you can roll 1 30 times straight even though the odds are 1 in 6. I do understand it's frustrating though. but that's MMO's

    2 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport

    I spent over 5 straight hours farming a boss for the same code. Took all 5 hours to get it. 20% is a lie.

    1 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    The code droprate is well below 20%, did like 20 runs and still nothing. Really frustrating when its the only thing you are going for in there is that bloody code.

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