Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Walkthrough Comments

13.0 Best Character Tier List | December 2024 Tier List(Page 21)Comment

Showing 22-41 of 1112 entries


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    712 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    Does Anyone else think that Mr game and watch is The Goat in the entire smash bros series

    711 Anonymous12 monthsReport


    710 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    does anyone else think that wii fit trainer is the goat? I main her and her moves are very quick and efficient. I really think she has potential, its just that no one gives her a chance. if people actually tried her, she would be much higher on the tier list. her ability to heal allows her to survive for high percentages as i had in many games

    709 Anonymous71512 monthsReport

    Umm I actualy think tha steve is super overrated, like without mining he can do nothing. he's slow and has half decent air speed .

    708 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Sorry for garbage...........................................................

    707 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    The very best character in this garbage is just Zombie b-cuz he good combos, 0 frame smash attacks, best up tilt, no lag, invincible, titan, all star,looks amazing, and from minecraft so yeaaaaaa . This is my choice, (tennis steve is terrible though why not a tuxedo.......)

    706 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Sonic I think is really good, he may not be THE best, but he's my best character.

    705 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Mr Game And Watch #1

    704 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    U forgetting the down taunt ledge guarding spike

    703 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Thank you for being the only one (besides me) who thinks corrin is actually good in ssbu

    702 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Corrin is the best character, great combo potential with dair and dash attack as well as one of the coolest looking final smashes, with male and female alts

    701 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    amsa would agree

    700 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Isabelle is WAY Too low, that character is arguably better than Villager, I've thought that since Day 1 and even top player like dabuz agree..

    699 i hvae yur ip adres12 monthsReport

    i like sonic because i can press b and win

    698 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    MR Game And Watch Is The Best Smash Character In This Game!

    697 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Yoshi is S tier through and through

    696 Ridds12 monthsReport

    Everyone here (except people who think Ridley is best)are wrong RIDLEY is the best #Ridley1

    695 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    yes but Ridley is better

    694 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Ridley is #1

    693 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Meta knight should be S

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