Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Walkthrough Comments

13.0 Best Character Tier List | December 2024 Tier List(Page 15)Comment

Showing 16-35 of 1112 entries


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    832 Faculand89 monthsReport

    Tienes toda la planta piraña es el personaje mas subestimado de todo smash bros

    831 Faculand89 monthsReport

    ¡¡¡¡¡wtf como que freddy en smash!!!!!

    830 Faculand89 monthsReport

    Para mi,bowser es el mejor del rapido,el mas fuerte,el mas resistente y tiene los combos mas fuertes del juego😎.soy main bowser😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎.

    829 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    I mean Kirby and I can tell you that he can even win against DLC fighters. Kirby's one of the most underrated of the original class.

    828 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Okay so I get that Sora is not the strongest of the DLC fighters, but to be fair since he came out late not as many people are going to be using him. The real thing is that unlike most DLC fighters where you just need to spam specials you really just need to practice with Sora. Eventually you'll see that he's actually a really good fighter with high highs and some low lows. I like to compare him to other misfit characters like olimar who can still be strong they just need practice. : )

    827 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    HiS rEcOvErY iS tHe BeSt In ThE gAmE

    826 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    i agree

    825 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    sonic is good but joker should be higher

    824 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    guys its kazuya

    823 Anonymous9 monthsReport


    822 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    joker should be number 2

    821 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    1: every character has a parry 2: he isnt even the fastest character 3: recovery is trash 4: bad areal game 5: LITTLE MAC IS TRASH BRO

    820 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Especially after he won the regional tournament Afterburner 2024 event with contestants like Wildz and Candle

    819 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    How do I stop inkling?

    818 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Kirby is a little man that deserves more respect

    817 Potato_Dev9 monthsReport

    Good, YEA! best in the game, NO WAY!

    816 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Freddy IN SMASH Ultimate ++++

    815 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Ness is the muay thai of super smash bros

    814 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Pac-man galaxian combos keep me up at night

    813 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Villager has his pocket too

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