Soul Hackers 2

All Valuables Sell Price and How to Get

Valuables are items that can be sold at a high price in Soul Hackers 2. Read on to see the list of all Valuables, how to get them, which Demons drop them, and how to farm Valuables!

Soul Hackers 2 - Aiho-KunAttention! We are currently gathering all Items and Equipment. Stay tuned for updates!

List of All Valuables and Sell Price

Name Sell Price
Storied Painting TBD
Brass Handle TBD
Rusted Old Coin 3,000
Dusty Tome 5,000
Ceramic Jar 10,000

Soul Hackers 2 Related Guides

Soul Hackers 2 - Items and Equipment

All Items and Equipment Upgrades

List of Items and Equipment Upgrades

Item Types
Soul Hackers 2 - Recovery ExpendableExpendables Soul Hackers 2 - MaterialMaterials Soul Hackers 2 - ValuableValuables Soul Hackers 2 - Key ItemKey Items
Equipment Types
Soul Hackers 2 - AccessoryAccessories Soul Hackers 2 - COMP UpgradeCOMP Upgrades Soul Hackers 2 - MistiqueMistiques


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