Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Ash-Graven Drinking Horn Weapon GuideComment

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    13 Anonymous7 daysReport

    How does it compare to other F2P weapons for Mualani?

    12 Anonymous9 daysReport

    The fact I almost skipped this event not knowing about this weapon. I would have hated myself cause this is kinda good for an F2P weapon

    11 Anonymous11 daysReport

    Both of them have same stats. If you have many characters that need ER and low CD, use P. Amber. If you have 2 hydro and long CD teams, use AGD. Horn. If you have both R5

    10 Anonymous11 daysReport

    Yes, HP Scale from 2 hydro is good

    9 Anonymous11 daysReport

    Both of them have same stats. If you have many characters that need ER and low CD, use P. Amber. If you have 2 hydro and long CD teams, use AGD. Horn

    8 Anonymous11 daysReport

    Hello, for kokomi DPS, use the other F2P Forged Natlan New Weapon, Ring of Yache, because of the buff for basic attack

    7 eljima13 daysReport

    should I use this instead of prototype amber for neuvilette?

    6 Anonymous16 daysReport

    This or prototype amber for DPS kokomi?

    5 Jeana17 daysReport

    Is it good for Kokomi monohydro team?

    4 Anonymous17 daysReport

    is this better than prototype amber for f2p neuvillette?

    3 Anonymous20 daysReport

    it deals Physical damage, its still decent chunk of damage tho, at R1 i can deal 25k damage with 40k HP Neuvillette, Good f2p option I'd say

    2 Anonymous20 daysReport

    what kind of damage does it deal? like would it do aoe dendro damage with baizhu and increase his application?

    1 Anonymous20 daysReport

    You can also use this with Neuvillette. He deals AoE damage.

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