Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Layla Best Builds and Artifacts(Page 2)Comment

Displaying entries 3 - 22 of 90 in total


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    61 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    She reduces the attack of all enemies by 10%, she gives 200 EM. She's just as versatile as a Swiss Army knife and just as reliable. That's why she stays on top and doesn't move anywhere.

    60 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    You put the question wrong, even Zhongli will die there if you just stand stupidly. here the question is about who brings more benefit to the group. Dione as a character is simply better done: she has a shield, she can heal, she saves stamina, her paws allow her to be a great battery, if you bild her through Sacrificial Bow she can spam her shield, if you equip her through Noblesse she increases damage from Burst by 20% plus Attack by 20% for the whole team.

    59 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    It is completely calmly passed in the standard Morgana config through - Ganyu+Venti+Mona+Diona. At the bottom, the person posted the percentage of use of the characters, from which it can be seen: Ganyu(34.7%)+Venti(28,9%)+Mona(18.8%)+Diona(19%). Classic Morgana

    58 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    you act like your c6 Diona can survive that. Her single target healing is not helping at all with the corrosion.

    56 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I got layla by accident. I wished one time, it turned purple, and i got layla. Plus, I wasn’t even trying to get her, I was trying to get Yae Miko

    55 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    People can play how they want. Why does it matter that some enjoy shields? Not everyone is into meta so get off your high-horse.

    54 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Weapon: Cinnabar Spindle (Event weapon) 69% Def and 80% of defence added to skill damage every 1.5 sec 4pc Tenacity to buff the team if no one else has it, otherwise 2pc husk and 2 pc Cryo/tenacity/18% att set Main Stats: Def% Cryo% Substats: Att% Def% Crit CritD Hp%

    53 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Me with potato phone, stinky internet connection, and 250-1k ping truly deeply need this shield bot

    52 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Abyss 3.3 will be packed to capacity with Dogs that completely ignore shields. By the way, I wish you all good luck. And if the rumors and leaks are confirmed in the foreseeable future, we will have even more enemies that ignore shields + an enemy that will have the skill to simply break the shield. Abyss 3.3 -

    51 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    It's 2022, people are still trying to play shields, even though almost no meta team uses them anymore.I understand when people try to play with their fingers on the phone, it can still be justified, but on PC or consoles.For more than in 2 years it would be possible to learn how to play normally and learn how to evade.

    50 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Amazing shielder. Don't need hold like Zhongli's, not weak one like Diona's Xinyan's, have 100% uptime unlike Noelle's, can use 4 piece TotM unlike Thoma's.

    49 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    >I hate red dot things >I rarely use Bennett at another teams except national/international >For me, the only mess with his C6 is physical team, that i usually use superconduct and tenacity + noblesse buff, its enough for me . No regret for me, and im not lying to myself, i don't want to be 'Bennett slave'..

    48 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Jesus Christ why are you doing this to yourself? Vaporize already deals more than enough damage without a C6 bennet, plus you risk losing one of the best damage buffers for new characters that aren't out yet. The amount of risk and reward clearly does not outweigh Bennett's C6 merits.

    47 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    For some variation team ofc. I cant bring Bennett because C6 (that's my choice, because i usually bring Bennett in vape teams)

    46 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Cuz Eula got better supports then Layla.

    45 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Well, she can become good shieldbot and sometimes buff Eula normal attack via C4. Why you bring another char that she's usually supporting Pyro team?? Literally different context duh..

    44 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Why? Eula deals physical damage. Usually, for Eula you will make a team that increases physical damage + damage itself, well, one character that solves her problem with energy. As an example Eula + Raiden + Rosaria + Bennett

    43 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    also Dori: W A L C C H Y P E R B L O O M .

    42 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I know even with Amber you can use her :)

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