Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5)

List of Land Vehicles

List of Land Vehicles - GTA 5

Make sure you're cruising through the streets of Los Santos in style. Read on to see a list of all Land vehicles in Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) and where to get them.

List of Land Vehicles

List of Cars

List of Cars
9F Icon9F 9F Cabrio Icon9F Cabrio Adder IconAdder Alpha IconAlpha
Asea IconAsea Asterope IconAsterope Baller IconBaller Baller II IconBaller II
Banshee IconBanshee BeeJay XL IconBeeJay XL Bison IconBison Blade IconBlade
Blista IconBlista Blista Compact IconBlista Compact Bobcat XL IconBobcat XL Boxville IconBoxville
Buccaneer IconBuccaneer Buffalo IconBuffalo Buffalo S IconBuffalo S Bugstars Burrito IconBugstars Burrito
Bullet IconBullet Burger Shot Stallion IconBurger Shot Stallion Burrito IconBurrito Camper IconCamper
Carbonizzare IconCarbonizzare Cavalcade IconCavalcade Cavalcade II IconCavalcade II Cheetah IconCheetah
Chino IconChino Cognoscenti Cabrio IconCognoscenti Cabrio Comet IconComet Coquette IconCoquette
Coquette BlackFin IconCoquette BlackFin Coquette Classic IconCoquette Classic Dilettante IconDilettante Dilettante (Merryweather) IconDilettante (Merryweather)
Dominator IconDominator Dubsta IconDubsta Dubsta 2 IconDubsta 2 Duke ODuke O'Death
Dukes IconDukes Elegy RH8 IconElegy RH8 Emperor IconEmperor Entity XF IconEntity XF
Exemplar IconExemplar F620 IconF620 Felon IconFelon Felon GT IconFelon GT
Feltzer IconFeltzer FQ 2 IconFQ 2 Fugitive IconFugitive Furore GT IconFurore GT
Fusilade IconFusilade Futo IconFuto Gang Burrito IconGang Burrito Gauntlet IconGauntlet
Glendale IconGlendale Go Go Monkey Blista IconGo Go Monkey Blista Granger IconGranger Gresley IconGresley
Habanero IconHabanero Hotknife IconHotknife Huntley S IconHuntley S Infernus IconInfernus
Ingot IconIngot Intruder IconIntruder Issi IconIssi Jackal IconJackal
JB 700 IconJB 700 Jester IconJester Jester (Racecar) IconJester (Racecar) Journey IconJourney
Landstalker IconLandstalker Manana IconManana Massacro IconMassacro Massacro (Racecar) IconMassacro (Racecar)
Mesa IconMesa Minivan IconMinivan Monroe IconMonroe Oracle IconOracle
Oracle XS IconOracle XS Osiris IconOsiris Panto IconPanto Paradise IconParadise
Patriot IconPatriot Penumbra IconPenumbra Peyote IconPeyote Phoenix IconPhoenix
Picador IconPicador Pigalle IconPigalle Pißwasser Dominator IconPißwasser Dominator Pony IconPony
Prairie IconPrairie Premier IconPremier Primo IconPrimo Radius IconRadius
Rapid GT IconRapid GT Rat-Loader IconRat-Loader Rat-Truck IconRat-Truck Redwood Gauntlet IconRedwood Gauntlet
Regina IconRegina Rhapsody IconRhapsody Rocoto IconRocoto Romero Hearse IconRomero Hearse
Roosevelt IconRoosevelt Ruiner IconRuiner Rumpo IconRumpo Sabre Turbo IconSabre Turbo
Schafter IconSchafter Schwartzer IconSchwartzer Seminole IconSeminole Sentinel IconSentinel
Sentinel XS IconSentinel XS Serrano IconSerrano Slamvan IconSlamvan Speedo IconSpeedo
Sprunk Buffalo IconSprunk Buffalo Stallion IconStallion Stanier IconStanier Stinger IconStinger
Stirling GT IconStirling GT Stratum IconStratum Stretch IconStretch Sultan IconSultan
Super Diamond IconSuper Diamond Surano IconSurano Surfer IconSurfer Surge IconSurge
T20 IconT20 Taco Van IconTaco Van Tailgater IconTailgater Tornado IconTornado
Turismo R. IconTurismo R. Vacca IconVacca Vigero IconVigero Virgo IconVirgo
Voltic IconVoltic Voodoo IconVoodoo Warrener IconWarrener Washington IconWashington
Windsor IconWindsor Youga IconYouga Z-Type IconZ-Type Zentorno IconZentorno
Zion IconZion Zion Cabrio IconZion Cabrio

List of Bikes

List of Bikes
Akuma IconAkuma Bagger IconBagger Bati 801 IconBati 801 Bati 801RR IconBati 801RR
Blazer IconBlazer Blazer Lifeguard IconBlazer Lifeguard BMX IconBMX Carbon RS IconCarbon RS
Cruiser IconCruiser Daemon IconDaemon Double-T IconDouble-T Endurex Race Bike IconEndurex Race Bike
Faggio IconFaggio Fixter IconFixter Hakuchou IconHakuchou Hexer IconHexer
Hot Rod Blazer IconHot Rod Blazer Innovation IconInnovation Nemesis IconNemesis PCJ 600 IconPCJ 600
Police Bike IconPolice Bike Ruffian IconRuffian Sanchez IconSanchez Sanchez (Livery) IconSanchez (Livery)
Scorcher IconScorcher Sovereign IconSovereign Thrust IconThrust Tri-Cycles Race Bike IconTri-Cycles Race Bike
Vader IconVader Vindicator IconVindicator Whippet Race Bike IconWhippet Race Bike

List of Service

List of Service
Airport Bus IconAirport Bus Airtug IconAirtug Ambulance IconAmbulance Benson IconBenson
Biff IconBiff Bus IconBus Caddy IconCaddy Caddy (Civilian) IconCaddy (Civilian)
Dashound IconDashound Docktug IconDocktug Dozer IconDozer Dump IconDump
Fieldmaster IconFieldmaster Fire Truck IconFire Truck Flatbed IconFlatbed Forklift IconForklift
Hauler IconHauler Lawn Mower IconLawn Mower Lifeguard (Granger) IconLifeguard (Granger) Mixer IconMixer
Mixer II IconMixer II Mule IconMule Packer IconPacker Phantom IconPhantom
Pounder IconPounder Rental Shuttle Bus IconRental Shuttle Bus Ripley IconRipley Rubble IconRubble
Sadler IconSadler Scrap Truck IconScrap Truck Stockade IconStockade Taxi IconTaxi
Tipper (4 Wheels) IconTipper (4 Wheels) Tipper (6 Wheels) IconTipper (6 Wheels) Tourbus IconTourbus Towtruck IconTowtruck
Tractor IconTractor Trashmaster IconTrashmaster Utility Truck IconUtility Truck

List of Off-road

List of Off-road
Bifta IconBifta Blazer IconBlazer Blazer Lifeguard IconBlazer Lifeguard Bodhi IconBodhi
Brawler IconBrawler Dubsta 6x6 IconDubsta 6x6 Dune Buggy IconDune Buggy Duneloader IconDuneloader
Hot Rod Blazer IconHot Rod Blazer Injection IconInjection Kalahari IconKalahari Liberator IconLiberator
Marshall IconMarshall Rancher XL IconRancher XL Rebel IconRebel Rusty Rebel IconRusty Rebel
Sanchez IconSanchez Sandking SWB IconSandking SWB Sandking XL IconSandking XL Space Docker IconSpace Docker

List of Military and Police

List of Military and Police
Barracks IconBarracks Barracks Semi IconBarracks Semi Crusader IconCrusader Dilettante (Merryweather) IconDilettante (Merryweather)
FIB (Granger) IconFIB (Granger) Park Ranger IconPark Ranger Police Bike IconPolice Bike Police Cruiser (Buffalo) IconPolice Cruiser (Buffalo)
Police Cruiser (Interceptor) IconPolice Cruiser (Interceptor) Police Cruiser (Stanier) IconPolice Cruiser (Stanier) Police Prison Bus IconPolice Prison Bus Police Riot IconPolice Riot
Police Transporter IconPolice Transporter Sheriff Cruiser IconSheriff Cruiser Sheriff SUV IconSheriff SUV Unmarked Cruiser IconUnmarked Cruiser

Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) Related Guides

Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) - All Vehicles.png

List of Vehicles

List of All Vehicle Types

Vehicle Types
Land Vehicles Water Vehicles Air Vehicles


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