FF7 Remake Walkthrough Comments


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    68 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Put a towel over Jules’ side and I immediately won 100% recommended this tactic!!! :)

    63 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I found just not screwing up in the second round I was able to overcome. Even if he had 3 ahead of me. He’ll fall with around 3-5 seconds. If you just keep full pace you can make it up before the game ends or he speeds up. Muting helped.

    62 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    1) Cover your score with a piece of paper 2) Cover Jules part of the screen with a piece of paper 3) Turn the volume to 0 It's all about keeping calm, you WILL win.

    61 Domiover 2 yearsReport

    Yes, thats also true, the change of pace between rounds would throw me off really bad.

    60 Domiover 2 yearsReport

    Point 6.should obviously be have 20 at the end of round 1

    59 Domiover 2 yearsReport

    1.Turn off the sound. 2. Throw a towel over Jules' side. 3. Keep saying out loud: left, right, not square, circle etc. Its way easier to associate that with movement. 4. When the mash button appears, smash it exactly six times fast. 5. When Tifa is picking up the pace, you cant wait for her to stop moving before hitting the next button, you gotta achieve continuous movement. 6. Have 20 at the end of round 2. 7. Make 0 mistakes AND be fast. I had rounds where I made 0 mistakes but lost 44 to 40.

    58 TiredButVictoriousover 2 yearsReport

    It was super frustrating that they kept moving the bar when it came to how many you need to win. They must have built some mechanic in that she will start to do better if you are doing better. I beat away at this for an hour and a half before finally hitting 45 after doing hitting sonic button mashing speed LOL. I fell down right at the end and she was at 44 and about to do one more but thank Buddha she did not and time ran out 🥵😤🥳

    57 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    I beat the minigame because of this tip. Tysm

    56 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    These minigames alone ruin the entire game. It's so frustrating and time consuming. Rewards aren't worth it.

    55 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Idk if this will help anyone but I finally beat it by saying in my head square= left, circle= right, triangle = up and x= down. Idk why but that helped me get a 47 and the best I ever got before doing that was 41, I usually got mid 30's. Big thing is to go slow at first, especially in the second round. Because you're so pumped from the first round you'll want to go fast, trust me this is what fucked me 95% of the time. I had to associate the buttons with something different and slow down.

    54 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    Lmao I had to turn off sound completely and then I realized that I was still being thrown off pace by the rhythm of Jules's movements in my perifery. Put a bath towel over that half of the screen and got it on the very next try. Hated this mini game :)

    53 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    True, I mean it's the timing that gets you, I'm good at QTEs, in RDR the finger filet I can go at mach 5 But the awkward tempo is what gets you In squats you can just wait for each beat to hit it and be be fine, but with the pull ups you have to be exact Saying circle, X, square, triangle as you do it can help too, especially when the visual is gone, it kind of triggers my muscle memory like the button prompt

    52 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    I will be having a perfect run and then I will make one little mistake and ruin the match. The pattern for the squats was easy. I keep messing this one up. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 2, dangit!

    51 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    Like everyone here said: mute the voices and the music. Leave the sfx on. Focus on tifa ignore everything else including your score. Focus getting the button inputs quick and with no mistakes. Button mash. Keep pace. And breath in between rounds.

    50 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    The “fatigue” interruptions are extremely difficult for me, because I am not used to turbo-mashing a button. I can successfully do them but it takes longer to complete and I end up failing at the end. My thumb cannot go any faster. I end up losing by 8-10 points. These mini-games should not be this difficult to do. It takes time away from me really appreciating everything else about the game.

    49 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    what’s it called

    48 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    I agree. However if you own a computer you can use a program that automatically does it for you via remote play.

    47 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    i combined everyone's tip to get this one. 1. hide both scores. 2. volume 0. 3. listen to the buttons clicking. 4, my own tip, start clicking faster once the mashing starts

    46 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    Exactly. I've had flawless rounds and this dick keeps winning. I feel like that mini game cheats the player. I started round 2 7 ahead of him, didnt mess up, he FELL, and I STILL lost by 2 points

    45 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    Well this is fun I have to learn how to hyper tap to be a stupid minigame...

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