Epic Seven

Larimar Wyvern - Skills and Stats

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This page contains the Stats and Skills for the monster Larimar Wyvern in the game Epic Seven. Read on to find tips for beating Larimar Wyvern.

Larimar Wyvern - Stats

Larimar Wyvern image

Basic Information

Grade ★4 - ★6
Element Fire
Class Warrior
Zodiac Aries

Stats (at Max Lv.)

CP 29393
Atk 726
HP 20807
Spd 116
Def 553
Critical Hit Chance Critical Hit Damage
15% 150%
Dual Attack Chance Effectiveness
5% 0%
Effect Resistance

Larimar Wyvern - Skills

Dragon's Might (Larimar Wyvern)
Dispels all debuffs from the caster, before creating a gust of wind by moving incredibly fast to attack all enemies, dispelling all buffs. This effect cannot be resisted. After attacking, creates a shockwave to deal additional damage.
Fireball Barrage (Larimar Wyvern)
Shoots a fireball at the enemy, dispelling one buff before decreasing Combat Readiness by 10%. After attacking, attacks the same enemy two more times. When the caster has two or fewer debuffs, damage dealt is greatly increased. Attacks the front row first.
Tail Swing (Larimar Wyvern)
Attacks all enemies and dispels all debuffs from the caster, before granting a barrier for 1 turn. When the caster is covered by a barrier at the start of the caster's, activates Dragon's Might. When covered by a barrier, the caster's Speed is decreased, and the caster is unaffected by buff dispels and decreased Speed debuffs.
Fire's Protection (Larimar Wyvern)
Increases damage suffered from Ice elemental Heroes b y 30%, while increasing damage dealt to non-Ice elemental Heroes by 30%. When a non- Ice elemental Hero's turn ends, increases the caster's Combat Readiness by 20%. When the caster attacks on their turn, all enemies cannot receive healing.
Super Acceleration (Larimar Wyvern)
Increase Attack after attacking. The effect can be stacked. When the caster is inflicted with two or fewer debuffs while below max Health, attacks a random enemy with Fireball Barrage.

Larimar Wyvern - Awaken

This monster can not be awaken.

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1 Anonymousalmost 5 years

these stats are totally off... wyvern has well over 220 speed and 230k hp


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