Epic Seven

Ancient Coin

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This page lists the material Ancient Coin in the game Epic Seven. Read on for more information on its uses and how to obtain Ancient Coin.

Ancient Coin - Information

Ancient Coin

Ancient Coin Currency
Found when exploring the Labyrinth. Can be traded for special items.

Ancient Coin - How To Obtain

Labyrinth Everry time you finish an exploration you can gain this currency as a reward.
High Command (Sanctuary) Adventure Missions will give rewards every time you finish a mission.

Ancient Coin - Where to Use

Shop (Ancient Coin) Buy various items such as Malicious Bug Charm, accessory chest, and charms in this shop.

Related Links

Currency.pngCurrency Enhancement Ingredient.pngEnhancement Ingedients
Rune.pngRune Catalyst.pngCatalyst
Crafting Materials.pngCrafting Materials

List of All Materials


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