Brawl Stars

Ash Stats, Skills, and Skins

This page will show you all about Ash, a character in Brawl Stars. Read on to learn Ash's stats, attacks, gadgets, star powers, best maps, skins, and how to use him!

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This page will show you all about Ash, a character in Brawl Stars. Read on to learn Ash's stats, attacks, gadgets, star powers, best maps, skins, and how to use him!

Basic Information

Brawler Type Heavy Weight
Rarity Chromatic
Health 4800 (Lv. 1)
Movement Speed Normal
Range Normal
How to Get Brawl Pass Tier 30


• Has a great range for a Heavy Weight Brawler.
• Has a Rage Level that increases his attack and movement speed.
• Super can be used to protect and damage enemies.


• Needs to keep engaging enemies to keep the buff from his Rage up.
• Super gauge takes more hits to get full.
• Weak at the start of the match or when he respawns.
• Normal Attack has a bit of delay.

Normal Attack and Super

Clean-Up - Normal Attack

Ash angrily smashes down with his broom. Get out of the way or you might bite the dust!

Damage 800
Range Normal
Reload Speed Fast

Note: This is the stat of Clean-Up at Power Level 1.

Little Helpers - Super Skill

Robotic rats for cleaning up? That's right, they explode on contact, dealing damage to opponents and greatly increasing Ash's Rage Level.

Damage 300
Range Normal

Note: This is the stat of Little Helpers at Power Level 1.

Gadgets and Star Powers


Chill PillChill Pill Though furious, Ash has to collect himself. A full Rage meter will recover 2500 health when this gadget is popped — less Rage, less recovery.
Charges per match: 3

Star Powers

First BashFirst Bash When hitting an opponent with his attack charges full, Ash gets even more angry. His Rage goes up by 200%
Mad as HeckMad as Heck After getting totally enraged, Ash swings his broom 30% faster. Even when building up his Rage, he picks up speed with his attacks.

Best Maps for Ash


nruhC nrevaCnruhC nrevaC Forsaken FallsForsaken Falls Stormy PlainsStormy Plains
Island InvasionIsland Invasion Cavern ChurnCavern Churn Feast or FamineFeast or Famine

Gem Grab

Flooded DamFlooded Dam Corner CaseCorner Case Snake ShopSnake Shop
Double SwooshDouble Swoosh Deep DinerDeep Diner Ice FortIce Fort
Crystal ArcadeCrystal Arcade Cotton Candy DreamsCotton Candy Dreams Twisted TorpedoTwisted Torpedo
Four SquaredFour Squared Four SquaredFour Squared Diamond DustDiamond Dust
Diamond DustDiamond Dust Gem SourceGem Source


Land AhoyLand Ahoy Snake PrairieSnake Prairie Canal GrandeCanal Grande
Layer CakeLayer Cake Flanking ManeuverFlanking Maneuver ExcelExcel
Cube ForceCube Force


Snaked AssaultSnaked Assault Central TrafficCentral Traffic TurnaroundTurnaround
Hot PotatoHot Potato G.G. MortuaryG.G. Mortuary Pit StopPit Stop
Bandit HookBandit Hook BeachcombersBeachcombers

Brawl Bawl

Boxing DayBoxing Day Winter PartyWinter Party Bank ShotBank Shot
Sunny SoccerSunny Soccer Center StageCenter Stage Sneaky FieldsSneaky Fields
Triple DribbleTriple Dribble Sticky NotesSticky Notes Turtle ShellTurtle Shell
WavedashWavedash Pinhole PuntPinhole Punt Power ShotPower Shot
Power ShotPower Shot Center FieldCenter Field Center FieldCenter Field
Binary CodingBinary Coding


Bot RiotBot Riot Robo HighwayRobo Highway Nuts and BoltsNuts and Bolts
Some Assembly RequiredSome Assembly Required Power WasherPower Washer Rust BeltRust Belt
Junk ParkJunk Park Junk ParkJunk Park Mecha MatchMecha Match
Mecha MatchMecha Match

Hot Zone

Magnetic FieldMagnetic Field Quick TravelQuick Travel Dueling BeetlesDueling Beetles
SplitSplit Breakout BrawlBreakout Brawl Breakout BrawlBreakout Brawl
Open BusinessOpen Business Open BusinessOpen Business Controller ChaosController Chaos


Zip ZapZip Zap Double BluffDouble Bluff Snake OutSnake Out
Splash OutSplash Out LuisLuis' Revenge

Special Events

Super CitySuper City Open SeasonOpen Season Full OnFull On
Last StandLast Stand Danger Zone (Boss Fight)Danger Zone (Boss Fight) ReversalReversal
Metal ScrapMetal Scrap Currently UnavailableElevator Pitch Currently UnavailablePrized Possession
Medal MadnessMedal Madness Ball HogBall Hog In the MixIn the Mix
CorneredCornered Lit MatchLit Match Tiger LeapTiger Leap
Block PartyBlock Party Zip LineZip Line Daylight RobberyDaylight Robbery
Pocket PassPocket Pass TurnoverTurnover Power AlleyPower Alley
Strong SideStrong Side PancakePancake Triple-DoubleTriple-Double

How to Use Ash

Keep Rage Bar Active

Brawl Stars - How to Use Ash - Keep Engaging Enemies.jpg
Keep Ash's Rage Bar up to increase his strength in a match. You will have to keep engaging the enemies for the buffs to be active most of the time. With that said, you still have to keep an eye on your health, or all the built-up rage will be gone in smoke.

Take Advantage of Ash's Range

Brawl Stars - How to Use Ash - Ash
The range of Ash's attacks is a bit long for a Heavyweight Brawler. Take advantage of that to hit your enemies from a distance. Peek-and-shooting in a wall is a great way to make use of his range!

Use Super as a Shield

Brawl Stars - How to Use Ash - Use Super as Shield.jpg
Ash's Super can save you if you quick tap it when you're about to die. His Super will surround you once activated, and it will chase your enemies to damage them, giving you time to escape. You can also do this to your allies by aiming his Super towards them.

Chill Pill Gadget

Brawl Stars - How to Use Ash - Chill Pill Gadget.jpg
Ash' Chill Pill Gadget is a good way to catch a second wind while engaging your enemies. It heals him if he has a charge on his Rage Bar, and it will heal him more if it has more charges.

First Bash Star Power

Brawl Stars - How to Use Ash - First Bash Star Power.jpg
His Rage Bar can charge faster if you equip his First Bash Star Power. It will only take one attack charge for it to make the first bar full. It will make him a strong asset at the start of the match.

Mad as Heck Star Power

Brawl Stars - How to Use Ash - Mad as Heck Star Power.jpg
Ash's will gain an additional buff to his Rage when his Mad as Heck Star Power is active. Aside from dealing more damage and faster movement speed buffs, it will also increase his reload speed. Mad as Heck Star Power favors players who know how to play aggressively without dying.

Ash's Skins

Ninja Ash

Ninja AshNinja Ash
Cost: Brawl Pass Tier 70 Where: Brawl Pass

Brawl Stars - Related Articles

By Rarity

Reward - Brawl Stars.pngReward Rare - Brawl Stars.pngRare
Super Rare - Brawl Stars.pngSuper Rare Epic - Brawl Stars.pngEpic
Mythic - Brawl Stars.pngMythic Legendary - Brawl Stars.pngLegendary
Chromatic - Brawl Stars.pngChromatic

By Type

Fighter - Brawl Stars.pngFighter Sharpshooter - Brawl Stars.pngSharp Shooter
Heavyweight - Brawl Stars.pngHeavy Weight Thrower - Brawl Stars.pngThrower
Support - Brawl Stars.pngSupport Unique - Brawl Stars.pngUnique Type

By Range

Short - Brawl Stars.pngShort Range Normal - Brawl Stars.pngNormal Range
Long Range - Brawl Stars.pngLong Range Very Long Range - Brawl Stars.pngVery Long Range


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