Brawl Stars

Island Invasion Map Information

This page will show you the information for the Island Invasion Map in Brawl Stars. Read on to see which brawl event this map is available, the recommended brawlers, and the tips and tricks to win on this map!

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This page will show you the information for the Island Invasion Map in Brawl Stars. Read on to see which brawl event this map is available, the recommended brawlers, and the tips and tricks to win on this map!

Island Invasion - Map Information

Island InvasionIsland Invasion
Brawl Event Showdown

Recommended Brawlers

Best Brawlers

These Brawlers are the best Brawlers, as you can use 100% of their skills and abilities on this map.

ShellyShelly NitaNita BullBull
El PrimoEl Primo RosaRosa DarrylDarryl
JackyJacky FrankFrank BibiBibi
EdgarEdgar MortisMortis TaraTara
CrowCrow LeonLeon StuStu
BuzzBuzz AshAsh

Good Brawlers

The Brawlers on this list won't be as great as the Best Brawlers above, but they can still put a decent performance on this map.

JessieJessie PocoPoco CarlCarl
EmzEmz PennyPenny PamPam
GeneGene MaxMax Mr. PMr. P
SpikeSpike SandySandy GaleGale
SurgeSurge Colonel RuffsColonel Ruffs LolaLola

Tips and Tricks

Pick up Power Up Cells

Power Up Cells - Island Invasion.jpg
Collect Power Up Cells in the area by destroying crates or taking out an enemy. Picking them up will increase your attack damage and health.


Crates - Island Invasion.jpg
You can find most of the crates near where the bushes are in the area. Be careful while destroying them, as you might get attacked from behind!

Bushes on the side

Covers - Island Invasion.jpg
Hide in the bushes in the area and wait for your enemies to battle each other out. Attack when both parties are already badly hurt to kill them and increase your power. You can also use those bushes to reposition and hide from stronger enemies.

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