Pokemon Sleep

List of Curry Recipes

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Pokemon Sleep - List of Curry Recipes
This is a list of Curry recipes that you can cook and feed to Snorlax in Pokemon Sleep. Read on for a list of all Curry recipes in the game!

List of Curry Recipes

Dish Recipe Base Strength
Pokemon Sleep - “Bulk Up” Bean Curry “Bulk Up” Bean Curry Greengrass Soybeans x12
Bean Sausage x6
Fiery Herb x4
Fancy Egg x4
Total ingredients: 26
Pokemon Sleep - “Dream Eater” Butter Curry “Dream Eater” Butter Curry Soothing Cacao x12
Moomoo Milk x10
Soft Potato x18
Snoozy Tomato x15
Total ingredients: 55
Pokemon Sleep - “Drought” Katsu Curry “Drought” Katsu Curry Bean Sausage x10
Pure Oil x5
Total ingredients: 15
Pokemon Sleep - “Egg Bomb” Curry “Egg Bomb” Curry Soft Potato x4
Fancy Apple x11
Fancy Egg x8
Honey x12
Total ingredients: 35
Pokemon Sleep - “Inferno” Corn Keema Curry “Inferno” Corn Keema Curry Fiery Herb x27
Bean Sausage x24
Greengrass Corn x14
Warming Ginger x12
Total ingredients: 77
Pokemon Sleep - “Limber” Corn Stew “Limber” Corn Stew Greengrass Corn x14
Moomoo Milk x8
Soft Potato x8
Total ingredients: 30
Pokemon Sleep - “Solar Power” Tomato Curry “Solar Power” Tomato Curry Snoozy Tomato x10
Fiery Herb x5
Total ingredients: 15
Pokemon Sleep - “Spore” Mushroom Curry “Spore” Mushroom Curry Soft Potato x9
Tasty Mushroom x14
Total ingredients: 23
Pokemon Sleep - Beanburger Curry Beanburger Curry Bean Sausage x7
Total ingredients: 7
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Curry Fancy Apple Curry Fancy Apple x7
Total ingredients: 7
Pokemon Sleep - Grilled Tail Curry Grilled Tail Curry Fiery Herb x25
Slowpoke Tail x8
Total ingredients: 33
Pokemon Sleep - Hearty Cheeseburger Curry Hearty Cheeseburger Curry Moomoo Milk x8
Bean Sausage x8
Total ingredients: 16
Pokemon Sleep - Melty Omelette Curry Melty Omelette Curry Fancy Egg x10
Snoozy Tomato x6
Total ingredients: 16
Pokemon Sleep - Mild Honey Curry Mild Honey Curry Honey x7
Total ingredients: 7
Pokemon Sleep - Mixed Curry Mixed Curry Use any ingredients to make this dish. N/A
Pokemon Sleep - Ninja Curry Ninja Curry Greengrass Soybeans x15
Bean Sausage x9
Large Leek x9
Tasty Mushroom x5
Total ingredients: 38
Pokemon Sleep - Simple Chowder Simple Chowder Moomoo Milk x7
Total ingredients: 7
Pokemon Sleep - Soft Potato Chowder Soft Potato Chowder Moomoo Milk x10
Soft Potato x8
Tasty Mushroom x4
Total ingredients: 22
Pokemon Sleep - Spicy Leek Curry Spicy Leek Curry Large Leek x14
Fiery Herb x8
Warming Ginger x10
Total ingredients: 32

Mixed Curry cannot provide additional Strength boosts nor be leveled up.

How to Cook Curry Dishes

Only Available if It's Snorlax's Favorite Dish

Pokemon Sleep - Curry Snorlax

Your Snorlax for the week gets to choose which type of dish you can make. You can only make curry recipes if it's the favorite type of dish of your current Snorlax.

You find out the cooking request of your Snorlax when you meet it at the beginning of the week. You can also check by looking at your recipes when feeding Snorlax or simply by cooking. If a dish turns into a curry or stew regardless of the ingredients you add, it's the preferred dish of your Snorlax.

Cook with Recipes

If you want to cook different curry dishes and unlock more curry recipes, make sure to select Choose a Recipe when you're about to cook a dish for Snorlax's breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

The ability to cook with recipes can be unlocked after discovering 12 Sleep Styles.

Cooking Guide: Tips for Dish Strength and Best Dishes

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