Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

HoYoPlay and HoYoverse Launcher UpdateComment

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    5 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    old launcher worked on mac with a windows emulator but hoyoplay doesn't work?? does this mean i just wasted 100 gigs of data or is there a fix?

    4 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    I downloaded the launcher with genshin but now I can't play it because hsr is still using the old one. How do I fix this?

    3 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Can it be uninstalled? Its taken too much space in my pc and click on the nornal desktop icons.

    2 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    You don't need to do anything after installing the new launcher. The old launcher will still be there. You don't have to start the game with the old launcher, just use the new launcher. The old ones can be used IF you have a problem the new launcher as it is still in trial phase.

    1 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    After installing the launchers, what do you need to do with the original genshin and star rail launchers?

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