Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Gaming Rating and Best Builds(Page 2)Comment

Displaying entries 3 - 22 of 57 in total


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    37 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    you mean he have aura of the manga shonen main character?

    36 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    He have a shounen manga main🤓

    35 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    thing is there are free characters to fill both their roles. Barbara is a very good healer early on until you get Bennett or kuki (who works better than yao Yao for dendro). Collei is free if you want to try dendro out. Xiangling is also free if you want a strong pyro dps to tackle the abyss with.

    34 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    why is he so shonen protagonist coded lol

    33 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    I agree that xingqiu is best pick 100% but then it comes down to yao yao or gaming and tbh it all just really depends if you wanna another healer or want to try dendro out or want a strong dps option to tackle the abyss who will still be worth even later on cause of strong cons and the need for 2 teams.

    32 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    natlan will release generalist crit claymore trust. its unfair how trashy his weapon choices are.

    31 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    still doesnt change the fact that gaming is very strong with f2p investment.

    30 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    not surprise. xq is still top pick to enable many reaction based teams after all. even gaming's f2p team needs xq lol. gaming is dps so he is more replaceable. there is another free strong 4* pyro dps too (xl). while for hydro if the newbie dont have xq, the only free hydro options are barbruh and hydro traveler 💀 both are way worse than him. plus majority of ppl prefer to pull and play their fav limited 5* dps.

    29 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    and he’s free from lantern right too, I’ve even seen some people recommend him more than yaoyao (xingqiu is still # 1 pick) for newer players looking for advice on who to pick, especially if they want to start investing into a dps for abyss.

    28 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    I agree! Even his f2p team in his trial was very strong! Very much recommend for newer players cause even at c0 he’s competitive with some 5 star dps. Meaning they already have a strong dps option for their first team that is worth investing in both early and late game so they won’t regret it.

    27 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    getting pyro dps is always helpful for any new players. imagine being able to breeze through dragonspine at low AR cuz your pyro dps is strong 😊

    26 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    yup i personally think he’ll be a very good choice for players just starting out or looking to invest in a good f2p dps

    25 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    The kid is a beast, he has decent damage when vaping. but really where he becomes TOP is with bennet C6, you take advantage of the dead times and you can do descending attacks + his ability damage and with Xianyun of course. in C0 it is fine but without bennet C6 or Xianyun its damage drops a lot

    24 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    best f2p pyro dps. he doesnt need 240 er like *cough* xl *cough*.

    23 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    gaming gaming

    22 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    probably intentional to skew Google search results. Look up gaming PC builds or game min specs, get genshin character (free advertising for genshin) instead.

    21 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    His plunge attacks control feels much more easier than Xiao. Just a Hold button E and it will move towards the enemy before attack button plunge.

    20 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    I want to say that at c6 he should be SS tier for being as good as Hu Tao and almost at the same level as neuvillette but I know that placing wouldn’t make sense since c6 A tier dps surpass him.

    19 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    I think he should be in A or lowest S tier at c0 since he’s already on the sample level as most A tier dps and at c6 is just as good as Hu Tao.

    18 Un jugador regular 4 monthsReport

    Chicos en los equipos de vaporizados deberían incluir a ayato su aplicación hidro automática vuelve mucho más cómodos los vaporizados de gaming y no ay que gastar tiempo en los ataques normales

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