Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments


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    4 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Guides for volumes V and VI could use some reworking. I’m still missing one from each of these groups and with the new map levels it could be made easier. The map photos are not clear and the in- game photos of the ground or bookcases don’t show enough surrounding details to find the page. All of the pages look the same so we don’t need the ultra close up. Also as one person mentioned the instructions are incorrect on some. There are also errors with saying Northwest when it’s Northeast in pic.

    3 SayuNo.1Fan12 monthsReport

    actually, it looks like it's just a matter of confusing perspective. The picture of taken from the top of a cliff but it's hard to see that in this guide. Also, idk why my nickname got turned into Sayu◆VBi.NZaCZc

    2 Sayu◆VBi.NZaCZc12 monthsReport

    The information for page 3 of the second volume is incorrect. The page is located on top of the cliff on the southern part of the camp shown. MHY must have moved it or something. If you check the wikia, there's a better image.

    1 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    #10 of Torn Page: A Thousand Nights (VI) is very misleading, and even wrong. Upon entering the ruin, keep going straight until you enter a large room with a square hole in the center. Drop straight down, and go straight. There is a small room with two Eremite Crossbow enemies and a cooking pot. Enter that room and the last page is directly to your RIGHT, on top of a bookcase of scrolls.

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