Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Chiori Rating and Best Builds(Page 2)Comment

Displaying entries 3 - 21 of 39 in total


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    19 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    I gave her the spare Ayato weapon I had and now she's also a half decent dps 🥰

    18 TokyoQuaSar2 monthsReport

    Freedom sworn in the recommended weapon ?? She doesn't scale with EM and she doesn't trigger reaction in her usual teams, makes no sense imo.

    17 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    albedo has split scaling on atk/defense until c2. chiori is dual scaling like alhaitham.

    16 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    youre not crazy. she really is albedo 2.0. it seems they cant bring back cinnabar for new albedo havers so they have to make someone similar to him so he can have a 5* weapon. chiori has better kit since they learned from albedo lol

    15 Anonymous3 monthsReport


    14 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    she is 100% sword user

    13 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Didn't they say she's a claymore in the 4.5 livestream, and not a sword? The normal attack icon in her demo was claymore.

    12 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    I’m not sure if i’m losing my mind but her kit just seems like a reworked albedo. Both summon geo constructs to deal passive geo damage, both allow for plunge attacks, both their bursts just deal a lot of immediate geo damage, both scale off of atk/defense, the new weapon works as their 5* signature. Am I crazy?

    11 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Kit aside, I like her sass, and her JP VA so a definite pull for me.

    10 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    "These two Geo characters will rerun during the Phase 1 of Version 4.5, which would start on March 13, 2024!" Funny. Didn't know Chiori had already a banner before 4.5

    9 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    I change my mind. I love her design

    7 Gentleman4 monthsReport

    "i want you to look at me with disgust" genshin ver.

    6 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Leaked Skill : Summon Construct (just wondering, why she has Keqing dash skill just for summoning construct) Leaked Burst : Just Burst, with summon construct A1 : Onfield = Keqing but Geo, Off-field = Buff E.Skill A4 : Buff Geo DMG Scaling : 30% ATK + 70% DEF (No surprise from patch x.5 chars. Before her, we have ATK scaling character with EM passive, and ATK + HP scaling character)

    5 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Worth the pull for the VA alone.

    4 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    When AoT casts come to Genshin, but instead Eren's VA, we got his wife first. Still winning~

    3 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Petit Milady <3

    2 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    ur welcum

    1 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    thank you

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