Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Electro Traveler Rating and Best BuildsComment

Displaying entries 1 - 16 of 25 in total


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    25 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Genshin impact

    24 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    true but traveler ult itself needs alot

    23 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Why is nobody talking about electro traveler hyperbloom

    13 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    I love your website!

    12 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    2pc Bloodstain/2pc Pale flame Aquila>Other 5*>Black sword>Prototype Rancor>Blackcliff Honestly, youre probably better off using Anemo Traveler as a physical dps with 4pc pale flame

    11 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    any tips for building them as a psyhical dps??

    10 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    i pick up the abundance amulets on a character running emblem of severed fate set but it doesn't affect their burst damage even though it raises their energy recharge....

    9 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    B tier? Cmon

    8 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    B A B B? more like B A D D

    7 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    This is a travesty. The fact that you've sidelined electro traveler to b tier really brings done the legitimacy of your tier list. Universal battery, with insane revenue capabilities and the capacity to be a good sub dps should really drive traveler up. But you guys do you

    5 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Traveler, Diluc, Qiqi and and electro or hydro character could work fine. You could even go Traveler, Qiqi, hydro character and another electro.

    4 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    The only 5 stars I have beside Traveler are Diluc, Venti, Qiqi, Zhongli and Albedo... I have most rank 4 characters... could anyone suggest a team comp for me where I can have my electro traveler and at least one of my other rank 5 characters? (I really want traveler on my team...)

    3 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    it must be rating with C0 not C6

    2 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    same, somewhat I don't agree with this rating

    1 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    the fact that he's currently the only universal battery that can fit into any team should put him at least at S tier fkr support

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