Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Ningguang Rating and Best Builds(Page 2)Comment

Displaying entries 3 - 22 of 81 in total


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    48 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Does anyone think that Shimenawas Reminiscence could be a good set on her? Cause ive farmed it a lot and feel like when you use your E and lose 15 energy, you get it back really quickly and can still ult right after.

    47 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Why is memory of dust ranked highest, its just huge ATK statstick that falls off hard when ATK buffs are taken into the mix. Lost prayers is much better.

    46 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    you're meant to use 2pc glad and 2pc archaic petra, not 4pc glad

    45 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    How in the world is Gladiator's Finale rated higher than Retracing Bolide for Ningguang? She gets decent benefits from both 2-pcs and 4-pcs sets of Retracing whereas Gladiator's 4 piece is totally useless on her and the 2 piece one is questionable at best. This doesn't make sense.

    44 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Her main problem as DPS is that her geo element doesn't trigger elemental reactions so it removes one source of extra damage for her. Yeah she hits really hard with her charged attacks but she just doesn't cooperate with sub-DPS very well.

    43 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    What do you mean A tier main dps? I main her on lvl 70, normal atk lvl 6, crit rate 33% and crit dmg 134% and she does 10k on her charged atk... insane

    42 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    Widsith or Solar Pearl.

    41 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    That's why you've got to walk as she's doing her normal attacks, that way it'll increase her speed.

    40 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    What's a good purple catalyst for Ning nowadays ?

    39 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    Ningguang is mostly good against small number of enemies, and C1 provides aoe damage which hardly ningguang needs. And trying to make ningguang S tier just because she is geo, so has access to geo resonance is pretty lame. They have kept her A tier, it's enough. A tier means, they are pretty good in their position, neither weak nor overpowered. Even Diluc, klee is A tier bruh, keqing is B tier here. What do you except ningguang equal on Xiao, eula?

    38 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    same! but it's on most of the "recommended builds" on these pages. the y HARDLY go 2 piece shime / glad x 2 piece of the element and to me it's always the strongest pick for anyone you want to main (ning, klee, yanfei, shogun, venti, traveler etc. etc.)

    37 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Hey weirdly specific question but would C2 Jean be good with Ningguang? (My Ningguang specifically is C1) I know Anemo + Geo aren’t really super good since they can’t make an elemental reaction but C2 raises Movement and ATK speed by 15% when she picks up an elemental orb/particle and Ningguangs attacks are pretty slow

    36 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Ningguang is S tier at the very least. With C1 all her attacks are AoE, her skill can be used offensively or as shield or the buff her or teammates. With C2 her skill CD resets in some situations so you can use skill twice back to back. Not to mention her being Geo she can cause crystallize and generate shields which if you have another Geo on your team will also increase your dmg. How more broken can a character get?

    35 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Also it is important to use her charged attacks and e constantly when burst is not full, since that's where most of her damage comes from. Her autos' talent multipliers are very bad.

    34 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    c1 is good for mining and mobs since it has a lot of aoe damage.

    33 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Tip if you think Ning's attacks are super slow: Hold forward and spam. Stop earlier than you think (around the second hit) because the spam will make Ning do another auto then charged. Her autos can aim a little even at higher enemies in certain situations and her star jades will almost always succeed. Put down the screen strategically to knock off enemies that get to close, go through and go back for the geo bonus and attack. Only burst if the screen is present.

    32 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Tip if you think Ning's attacks are super slow: Hold forward and spam. Stop earlier than

    31 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Honestly imo I feel like it's low-key important to mention how slow Ningguangs attacks are i.e. time between each attack.

    30 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    That's alright early game but be careful not to stack too much Energy Recharge. You could be investing too much in one stat and neglecting other equally important ones that may be relevant for you future game progress

    29 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    The Widsith's passive can trigger one of 3 effects randomly and one of them is an additional 240-480 Elemental Mastery, which is pretty useless to a Geo user (although the other 2 effects are completely viable, since they increase ATK and Elemental DMG). This weapon is better on almost every other catalyst user, except for pure healers like Barbara and Kokomi. Meanwhile, none of Solar Pearl's effects are wasted on Ningguang. She'll benefit from Normal ATKs, Elemental Skill AND Burst.

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