How to Beat Ralvuravha

This is a walkthrough for the boss fight Ralvuravha from the game Final Fantasy IX (FF9, FF IX). Read on for tips and strategy about how to beat Ralvuravha, including Ralvuravha's stats and other useful information.

Ralvuravha Stats and Weaknesses


Ralvuraha ImageRalvuraha
13 2296
Exp AP Gil
0 - 0
Fire Ice Thunder
100% 150% 100%
Water Wind Earth
100% 100% 100%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Devil's Kiss, Blizzara, String, Night

【Numeric Value】= Weakness Ratio,【x】Ineffective,【-】Absorbs

Other Information

Other Information
Locations Gargan Roo
Enemy Type Heavy
Card This enemy does not drop a card.
Eat This enemy cannot be eaten.

Items Dropped By Ralvuravha


This enemy does not drop any items.


Item Stolen Steal Rate
Bone Wrist 100%
Mythril Fork 25%

Ralvuravha Boss Battle Guide


FF9 Ralvuravha
Ralvuravha can inflict Slow and Poison to your party members and use high damaging attacks that can make the fight difficult.


String deals damage and inflicts slow to its target. Night inflicts Sleep to all party members. Devil's Kiss can inflict Poison to its target. Ralvuravha can also use Blizzara.


Make sure to have Marcus steal some items before laying the smackdown. Have Steiner and Garnet equip status resistant abilities to negate most of Ralvuravha's annoying attacks.

After dealing enough damage, Ralvuravha will escape.

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