Games Similar to FF7 Remake


All posts (77 total)
1 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:20 PMReport

I saw someone on the discussion board talk about this yesterday and I thought we need a more permanent thread for this.

What games can we play after completing FF7R?

    3 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:24 PMReport

    Ff7 original. Enough said.

    4 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:26 PMReport

    If you don't mind potentially spoiling yourself on the next parts (though lowkey the game kinda spoiled it for you), you should try playing through the original

    5 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:29 PMReport

    Why not try playing through the older Final Fantasy games? The latest one (FF15) probably has the closest combat system to FF7R but the other games like FFX and FF9 are really really good too

    6 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:32 PMReport

    The Bravely series is really good, especially if you're a fan of the classic Final Fantasy games. It's turn-based and only out for the 3DS right now but the games are definitely worth a shot

    7 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:32 PMReport

    No. Just no. For the love of god, dont waster other people's time on this game. Aside from graphics, this game has nothing else to offer.

    8 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:34 PMReport

    Here's a list for RPGs.

    Persona (3 and 4 are outdated but is still worth a try) there are several references to the past games but it is not necessary to play them so you can jump straight to 5 royal.

    9 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:35 PMReport

    Trials of mana just came out. Looks kinda nice IMO.

    10 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:36 PMReport

    Ni No Kuni is on sale rightnow. Imagine ghibli meets RPG.

    11 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:40 PMReport

    Octopath. An Indie game that pays homage to the classic RPGs. One of the best games I played recently.

    12 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:42 PMReport

    Try the "Tales Of" games. They're RPGs too and they kinda have an action-style battle system. It's not exactly like FF7R, but they're great

    13 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:43 PMReport

    If you're willing to put in the time, there are collections that have all the games/story you need to know for KH on PS4

    14 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:44 PMReport

    If you want to see valkyrie profile from a western take ( if u even know the masterpiece called valkyrie profile) then check out indivisible.

    15 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:47 PMReport

    This game is really good. Specially liked the battle theme. Can still hear it in my head.

    16 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:50 PMReport

    Not an RPG and more of a platformer meets darksouls type of game. Check out HollowKnight. The game still gets expansion packs and the game keeps getting better and better. Sequel is also about to come out so now is the best time to start playing it.

    17 Anonymous04/16/2020 9:55 PMReport

    If you liked the action gameplay of FF7R, you might like Dark Souls and Bloodborne. They can be really hard games, but the challenge makes the experience worth it

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