FF7 Remake

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Message Board

Submissions: 3417
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1644 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

the fact that you types atelier after aviut made aviut seem so legit and french. so clever

1643 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

You know, when I was four years old, I used to polish my grandma's house' tiles with floor wax and half of a coconut shell. Every weekend. I WAS 4! What were YOU doing at 4 years old?

1642 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

Wth are asterisks besides things that make text bold? And by bold, I mean fat letters. Not softcore porn from an archipeligan country. Yeah I made up a word. Wutchugonnadoaboutit? I like FF7, but I am going insane in the membrane.

1641 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

Is that PLAYd or PLAHd? Don't hate da playa (beach) hate the game. So much LANGUAGE

1640 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

Does your country's name start with a P and end with an S? Lemme guess, you're from Paraguays. Yep. I am from Paraguays too and it is time for holiday I want money

1639 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

Thank you for the unsolicited information. It was very needed. My soul can rest, now that I know what you just told us.

1638 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

That is a strategy in the fashion industry as well. Digital costume designers sometimes come from fashion backgrounds.

1637 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

Just don't forget that all mainstream started out as indie. If indie steps up their game even more, they're not going to be indie anymore. That fact the we even know who they are makes them less indie than the original indies. Ya dig?

1636 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

babies having babies man kids calling kids kids

1635 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

Is this good or bad? Wouldn't filling in plotholes be a form of fanservice? Or are naked people always better than good stories?

1634 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

Yes. It's nearing the release date. So, we know that will happen, along with the fact that there are some people who got their game copy early.. and Yeah, in any thread I go to, there's a spoiler forum for those who want some information.

1633 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

anything too much is never good. like, what they're discussing about the story. too much expectation like expanding the story, expecting answers, what we get? extension of scenes, nothing more..

1632 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

Can someone tell me how abilities work in FF7 remake? Haven't played the demo.

1631 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

iT's best if you experience it first hand.

1630 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

Wonder how it would turn out if the Final Fantasy series were created by indie developers? Just an unpopular insight. Maybe, it will be different.

1629 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

Have to agree. This is why you shouldn't search for FF7 Remake related stuff in Google or other search engines at this point of time. There's a high chance that reviews, spoilers (concrete, not vague) will pop out even without meaning to browse them. Good thing they have a spoiler forum here. Those who doesn't want to be spoiled wouldn't have to worry.

1628 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

it's better not to know too much before actually playing the game. knowing too much could lead to various bad endings later on.

1627 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

no one likes fillers. i don't care about reviews. i'll just play it myself and know what exactly has been changed and whatnot. Don't want to rely on reviews too much. They might be exaggerated.

1626 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

Some vague reviews claimed that there are some unnecessary aspects in the game or felt like fillers? I dislike fillers =-=

1625 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

Right. Can't blame those indie studios who weren't able to push through due to this kind of circumstance/s.

1624 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

it's up to you to give the game a try, despite all these reviews from gamers who got the copies earlier. It's still up to the person's point of view.

1623 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

who wouldn't? especially when you kept hearing about points in the story had been changed.

1622 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

AAA games like the Final Fantasy series, expecting the same treatment. Scared to play FF7 remake now.

1621 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

I see. Will probably take that advice : ] side quests in general are also enjoyable, so why not?

1620 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

i think i can still join those optimistic people since i haven't played the original.

1619 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

Try Entabridge Co., Ltd. games. All their games are visual novel games but if you're into this genre. Go ahead. A personal favorite: I.B. ~The Future, Destined by Unsociable Me~

1618 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

sad reality of indie game development: if there's no money, people can't continue working. It couldn't be all about passion. They're trying to make a living, too. Unless, they're a group of students or volunteers looking to experience the industry drive. Yet, still, unpaid work isn't good.

1617 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

Rightnow, all boards are still full of optimistic people that are playing a 100% reimagination of the game. Wait til they reach the end.

1616 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

The fact is they did.

1615 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

They should have retell what had happened in the original. It's their best asset after all. It's all right if questions thrown at us in the original weren't answered, important thing is they didn't completely change the flow of the story.

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