Epic Seven

Touch of Rekos - Rating and Stats

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This page lists the Skill and Stats for the Artifact Touch of Rekos in the game Epic Seven (Epic 7). Read on for advice on which Heroes are best to equip with Touch of Rekos.

Touch of Rekos - Rating and Category

Rating and Category

Touch of Rekos

Rating 5 ★
Category Soul Weaver Exclusive

Recommended Heroes to Equip with Touch of Rekos

Recommended Heroes
Ruele of Light Icon.pngRuele of Light Tamarinne Icon.pngTamarinne Destina Icon.pngDestina Roana Icon.pngRoana
Desert Jewel Basar Icon.pngDesert Jewel Basar Achates Icon.pngAchates Lots Icon.pngLots Shooting Star Achates Icon.pngShooting Achates
Angelica Icon.pngAngelica Rin Icon.pngRin Blaze Dingo Icon.pngBlaze Dingo Aither Icon.pngAither

Reason for Recommendation:

This artifact can be used for Soul Weaver class heroes and also the heroes that can tank your team. Since this artifact effect only activates when the user is attacked.

Touch of Rekos - Skill and Stats

Skill Effect

Skill Effect (Base)
Recovers the Health of all allies by 5% after being attacked. This effect can only be activated once per turn. Amount recovered increases proportional to the target's max Health.
Skill Effect (Max)
Recovers the Health of all allies by 10% after being attacked. This effect can only be activated once per turn. Amount recovered increases proportional to the target's max Health.


Atk (Base) 9
Atk (Max) 117
Health (Base) 76
Health (Max) 988

Epic Seven Related Links

Artifacts by Class
mage.pngMage Defense.pngKnight Knight.pngWarrior
Asashin.pngThief Wizard.pngSoul Weaver Bow.pngRanger Common.pngCommon

List of All Artifacts


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