Brawl Stars

Squeak Stats, Skills, and Skins

This page will show you all about Squeak, a character in Brawl Stars. Read on to learn Squeak's stats, attacks, gadgets, star powers, skins, best maps, and how to use him!

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This page will show you all about Squeak, a character in Brawl Stars. Read on to learn Squeak's stats, attacks, gadgets, star powers, skins, best maps, and how to use him!

Basic Information

Brawler Type Fighter
Rarity Mythic
Health 3600 (Lv. 1)
Movement Speed Normal
Range Long
How to Get Shop or Brawl Boxes


• Super and Normal Attack can stick to enemies and deal AoE damage.
• Attacks can hit enemies behind a cover because of their explosion radius.
• One of the best brawlers that can handle multiple enemies at once.


• Super and Normal Attacks have a short delay before exploding.
• Reload speed is slow.

Normal Attack and Super

Sticky Blomb - Normal Attack

Squeak's sticky blobs of goo are unstable, and blow up with a big splash and an ouch! They attach to any opponent that strays too near to a blob on the ground.

Damage 1000
Range Long
Reload Speed Slow

Note: This is the stat of Sticky Blomb at Power Level 1.

Big Blob - Super Skill

Squeak lobs a blob that, after a short delay, blows up with aplomb! The explosion of goo sends six smaller Sticky Blombs in all directions.

Damage 1000
Range Long

Note: This is the stat of Big Blob at Power Level 1.

Gadgets and Star Powers


WindupWindup Squeak's next Sticky Blomb has its range increased by 100%.
Charges per match: 3

Star Powers

Chain ReactionChain Reaction Each opponent with the area of a Stick Blomb's explosion increases the Blomb's damage by 10%
Super StickySuper Sticky Secondary Sticky Blomb explosions from Squeak's Super also slow down opponents for 4 seconds.

Best Maps for Squeak


The GalaxyThe Galaxy Safety CenterSafety Center Forsaken FallsForsaken Falls
Acid LakesAcid Lakes Rockwall BrawlRockwall Brawl Skull CreekSkull Creek
Risky CliffsRisky Cliffs Trap MapTrap Map Stocky StockadesStocky Stockades

Gem Grab

Red HerringRed Herring Arène en folieArène en folie Flooded DamFlooded Dam
Corner CaseCorner Case Acute AngleAcute Angle Cotton Candy DreamsCotton Candy Dreams
Gem BashGem Bash Four SquaredFour Squared Diamond DustDiamond Dust
PiercedPierced Gem SourceGem Source Flooded MineFlooded Mine


Open PlazaOpen Plaza Land AhoyLand Ahoy Dry SeasonDry Season
Canal GrandeCanal Grande Layer CakeLayer Cake Flanking ManeuverFlanking Maneuver
ExcelExcel Cube ForceCube Force Electric ZoneElectric Zone


Central TrafficCentral Traffic TurnaroundTurnaround Pit StopPit Stop
Bandit HookBandit Hook Bridge Too FarBridge Too Far BeachcombersBeachcombers
Diagonal AlleyDiagonal Alley

Brawl Bawl

Boxing DayBoxing Day Clean ShotClean Shot EncirclementEncirclement
Bank ShotBank Shot Sunny SoccerSunny Soccer Sneaky FieldsSneaky Fields
Triple DribbleTriple Dribble Sticky NotesSticky Notes Turtle ShellTurtle Shell
Side StrikeSide Strike Pinball DreamsPinball Dreams Power ShotPower Shot
Slalom SlamSlalom Slam Center FieldCenter Field Firm GripFirm Grip
Binary CodingBinary Coding


Robo HighwayRobo Highway Some Assembly RequiredSome Assembly Required Rust BeltRust Belt
Assembly AttackAssembly Attack Junk ParkJunk Park Mecha MatchMecha Match
Robo RingRobo Ring Bric-a-BracBric-a-Brac

Hot Zone

Dueling BeetlesDueling Beetles SplitSplit Parallel PlaysParallel Plays
Massive AttackMassive Attack Ring of FireRing of Fire Time WarpTime Warp
Sabotage StripSabotage Strip Breakout BrawlBreakout Brawl Open BusinessOpen Business
Controller ChaosController Chaos Danger Zone (Hot Zone)Danger Zone (Hot Zone) Night at the MuseumNight at the Museum


Snake OutSnake Out Ends MeetEnds Meet Splash OutSplash Out
LuisLuis' Revenge Flaring PhoenixFlaring Phoenix

Special Events

Open SeasonOpen Season ReversalReversal Currently UnavailableElevator Pitch
Medal MadnessMedal Madness Ball HogBall Hog In the MixIn the Mix
CorneredCornered Block PartyBlock Party Zip LineZip Line
Daylight RobberyDaylight Robbery Twisted PlanTwisted Plan Pocket PassPocket Pass
TurnoverTurnover Strong SideStrong Side PancakePancake
Triple-DoubleTriple-Double FloaterFloater

How to Use Squeak

Look for a great cover

Brawl Stars - How to Use Squeak - Look for Good Cover.png
Squeak is similar to Mr. P's playstyle. Find a good cover that can protect you from attacks. You will be able to protect your spot without a problem, as you can hit enemies behind a wall as long as they're close to it.

Don't spam your attack

Brawl Stars - How to Use Squeak - Defenseless.png
Squeak's reload speed is slow. Don't shoot unnecessarily, as you'll be defenseless if you don't have an attack charge left on you.
Brawl Stars - How to Use Squeak - Check Bushes.png
But remember, his attacks are great for checking out bushes. You can use at least one charge of your attack to see if enemies are planning for an ambush.

Good for controlling the map

Brawl Stars - How to Use Squeak - Good Crowd Control.png
Squeak's Super and Normal attacks can hit enemies in a large radius, which is good for controlling some areas of the map. Your team will gain a tremendous advantage if you manage to keep them in check, so make sure to do so!

Use Windup Gadget to hit enemies from afar

Brawl Stars - How to Use Squeak - Wind Up Gadget.png
Squeak's Windup Gagdet makes up for his lack of attack range. It doubles the distance of his next attack when used. It is good to use when an enemy is about to get out of his range!

Select Chain Reaction for more damage

Brawl Stars - How to Use Squeak - Chain Reaction Star Power.png
Squeak'sChain Reaction Star Power increases his explosive goo for each enemy Brawler inside its range. It is a good Star Power if the map is full of walls, as it is easier to hit multiple enemies at once.

Equip Super Sticky to provide support

Brawl Stars - How to Use Squeak - Super Sticky Star Power.png
His Super Sticky Star Power gives slow to his Super's smaller goo from the explosion. It can help you hit your enemies much easier because of the slow!

Squeak's Skins

Ghost Squeak

Ghost SqueakGhost Squeak
Cost: 49 Gems Where: Skins Shop

Brawl Stars Related Guides

By Rarity

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Super Rare - Brawl Stars.pngSuper Rare Epic - Brawl Stars.pngEpic
Mythic - Brawl Stars.pngMythic Legendary - Brawl Stars.pngLegendary
Chromatic - Brawl Stars.pngChromatic

By Type

Fighter - Brawl Stars.pngFighter Sharpshooter - Brawl Stars.pngSharp Shooter
Heavyweight - Brawl Stars.pngHeavy Weight Thrower - Brawl Stars.pngThrower
Support - Brawl Stars.pngSupport Unique - Brawl Stars.pngUnique Type

By Range

Short - Brawl Stars.pngShort Range Normal - Brawl Stars.pngNormal Range
Long Range - Brawl Stars.pngLong Range Very Long Range - Brawl Stars.pngVery Long Range


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