Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8)

Rocket Launcher Weapon Stats and Overview

This is a page for Rocket Launcher, a weapon in Resident Evil RE:Verse. Check here for details on weapon stats, which characters can use this weapon, and a guide on how to use it.

Rocket Launcher Stats

Weapon Weapon Type Ammo Capacity
RE Verse Rocket LauncherRocket Launcher Rocket Launcher 1 / –
Missile Ammo

Rocket Launcher Overview

The Rocket Launcher is arguably the strongest weapon in the game. It's practically a guaranteed kill on hit, but you only have one shot. Aim carefully and if possible, try to hit multiple targets with the blast to get more kills.

Resident Evil Re:Verse Related Links

ReVerse Weapons Banner Partial.png

All Weapons | Resident Evil Re:Verse

Standard Weapons

Standard Weapons
Samurai Edge Icon.pngSamurai Edge Matilda Icon.pngMatilda Quickdraw Army Icon.pngQuickdraw Army
Broom Hc Icon.pngBroom Hc MUP Icon.pngMUP

List of Standard Weapons

Personal Weapons

Personal Weapons
CQBR Icon.pngCQBR W-870 Icon.pngW-870 MQ 11 Icon.pngMQ 11
Crossbow Icon.pngCrossbow LE 5 Icon.pngLE 5

List of Personal Weapons

Special Weapons

Special Weapons
GM79.pngGM79 MGL.pngMGL Rocket Launcher.pngRocket Launcher
Spark Shot.pngSpark Shot - -

List of Special Weapons

Related Guides

Best Weapons


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