The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Walkthrough Comments

All Stone Talus Locations and How to BeatComment

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    4 3 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Missing Frost Talus to the west of Lake Kilsie along the western edge of the map (-4499, 2458, 0116).

    3 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    There's no Frost Talus near the Gisa Crater, the image is of the one between Rutimala Hill and Meadela's Mantle. I couldn't find a Talus of any kind by Gisa Crater.

    2 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    the stalus at the goronbi river is located further to the left.

    1 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    All taluses also have another weakness; if they throw a Boulder at you, you can Recall the Boulder back at the talus to stun it

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