Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Interactive Map and 100% Exploration GuideComment

Displaying all 12 entries


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    12 Anonymous8 daysReport

    check this area for a Gullpuff challenge I just hit 100%

    11 Anonymous8 daysReport

    I've found everything in Desorock Highland and yet I'm still stuck at 99% (98% in supply chests.) I know I didn't go over anything, as I only mark off what I've already found

    10 Anonymous17 daysReport

    I am at 99% whining Aix’s mire and I did everything that is on the map The map is legit missing 1% and I am so annoyed

    9 Anonymous17 daysReport

    Agility course missing whining aix mire southeast corner

    8 Anonymous17 daysReport

    Worth mentioning that Caskets obtained through puzzles will not show up via the sonar. These two locations are concerned

    7 Anonymous22 daysReport

    6 Anonymous23 daysReport

    they are here

    5 Anonymous23 daysReport

    There is 2 Chests missing with the Kill all Enemies Nearby Tag for Wuming Bay.

    4 Anonymous25 daysReport

    there's like half of the central plains chests missing

    3 Anonymous25 daysReport

    Right here in the middle of the circle

    2 Anonymous25 daysReport

    1 Anonymous25 daysReport

    There is a purple event "chest missing that counts towards whirling Axe progress to the southwest of Huanlong-Wuming Bay way point in the middle of the circle.

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