Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Arlecchino Rating and Best Builds(Page 2)Comment

Displaying entries 3 - 22 of 218 in total


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    198 Anonymousex3 daysReport

    you completely miss the whole point. sure jade and homa can potentially outdamage the vortex, if you are using arle to up your spiral abyss sure. but just as her banner weapon gets a special skin, vortex is the only spear that comes close to her banner weapon. i easily 36 starred the most recent spiral abyss in 1 attempt. alot of people don't have homa or jade or even vortex however, if they couldn't pull arle's banner weapon they might be able to pull vortex rerun

    197 Anonymous4 daysReport

    if you equip homa ypu only need to build crit with arle on arti same with jade spear it's just vortex gives a lot of atk which is diminishing wheb you have bennett which also gives a massive atk. In this case homa and jade wins over vortex because it's easier to balance crits than vortex.

    196 Anonymous4 daysReport

    because it's easier to balance crit/cdmg than atk%?

    195 Anonymousex5 daysReport

    let's run some numbers right, staff of homa r5 let's say arle has 50k hp and you're running her low hp that is 3.4% bonus that amounts to roughly a 1700 bonus plus her weapon attack 608, those are pretty good numbers however that is assuming r5 homa & u hav r5 the kicker is it will nonetheless look ugly on arle compared to vortex as i said, also similar numbers can be obtained on vortex with less effort and more natural gameplay therefore vis-a-vis case closed

    194 Anonymousex5 daysReport

    also to the poster, did you know that arle bond of life does diminish with healing abilities, her bond of life is similar to generic bond of life because any character can get bond of life from fatui that is reason they made artifact set

    193 Anonymousex5 daysReport

    that's your opinion, my points unwaver, 1. vortex was not listed 2. vortex appearance is second only to her banner weapon 3. arle is not hp based she doesn't take full advantage of homa at all, also arle gets C(rit)D(amage) on level up 4. vortex is better than both homa and jade for arle case closed

    192 Anonymous5 daysReport

    Homa is still way better She still gets a lot of Atk from the passive and the 66% CDMG Jade is even better with the high base atk, 22% CR, Atk passive and dmg bonus

    191 Anonymous6 daysReport

    Arlecchino can vaporize too with Candace C6

    190 Anonymous6 daysReport

    you suck with reactions not arlecchino lmao

    189 Anonymous6 daysReport

    this is a better team comp for arlechino sucks with reactions its better to just not do reaction and she cant use scarlet sands for she doesnt have em or use of em

    188 Anonymous7 daysReport

    F2P weapon option is White Tassel. Just open a lot of Liyue chests of rarity 2 and above.

    187 Anonymousex7 daysReport

    arle shines with shields and she isnt hp based so staff of homeless doesn't win this race the vortex is a obvious second best on looks and functionality

    186 Anonymous7 daysReport

    How ist Vortex better than Jade/Homa??

    185 Anonymous7 daysReport

    eh no NA (priority) >> Skill >> Burst

    184 Anonymousex7 daysReport

    vortex vanquisher is arguably her second best weapon, it also looks the best on her, other than her banner weapon. but it's not on the list of recommended weapons.

    183 Ardeact7 daysReport

    Character and signature weapon back-to-back lets go

    182 Anonymousex7 daysReport

    burst > skill > na

    181 Anonymous8 daysReport

    Well, Arle patch (and Clorinde patch) indicates that healer META is shifting to shieldbot META again . And yeah, that's a META cycle

    180 Anonymous8 daysReport

    Claymore haters unite. We got pyro archon early so we can skip Murata in Natlan.

    179 Anonymous8 daysReport

    no she is not compatible with furina because she (Arlecchino) is supposed to be used with shielders therefore her HP won’t bounce so Furina’s ult dmg output won’t be maxed meow

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