Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Lyney Rating and Best Builds(Page 3)Comment

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    132 Anonymous8 monthsReport


    131 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    bruh his lvl 5 CA hits around the same number as a crowned NA Ganyu's CA.

    130 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    yeah I hate bow play style as well, especially if I’m using them as dps but tighnari and lyney have made that less troublesome because of their taunt.

    129 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    meh i'll take some improvement any day than stay unbothered thinking he is good alone.

    128 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    lyney actually needs NO ONE . i dont get how people here judge chars aways bad or good only of OTHER characters with synergy. a character is good if you DON'T need a supporting char to deal decend mono-elemental dmg. and lyney is one of these. and with our bosses and mobs nobody needs even reaction dmg and big numbers. lyney is absolutely fine. to me annoying kit because bow but dmg wise he stands alone and is good to go (dehya btw as well)

    127 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    yeah, I just meant that I was going to miss Fontaine since it is my favorite so far, not that the filler patch’s were a good thing lol.

    126 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    HSR is fking boring for me, I only like MMOs and open world RPGs but I gave HSR a try. Problem for me was that for a turn based it was too easy.

    125 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    the start of 3.2 already cause burn out, literally nothing just some story can be done in few hours. Nahida's sale carried the entire patch 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.8 are the worst

    124 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    some players even moved to hsr because of those filler 3.7 3.8 patches didnt provide enough content for them. also i personally am excited to meet capitano in natlan lol

    123 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    a W obviously. filler patches dragged the game unnecessarily. just look at the summer event this year it was boring and the fact we were stuck with that event for weeks just waiting for fontaine to drop just didnt do it for me.

    122 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    i don't know wether to be happy or sad about that leak. In a way we'll be going in a faster pace which is nice but at the same time I kind of want the version to last longer for some reason lol

    121 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    prayge MAYBE there will be more great pyro options for him in the future i mean the next region is natlan after all. also according to leaks we wont have filler patches anymore and we are going to natlan in 4.6 after we are done with fontaine archon quest. so the waiting wont be that long.

    120 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    he’d be very op when characters like that come out

    119 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    bro dont know lyney already outdid double hydro hutao.

    118 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    limited comp is just an excuse bfr. see ayaka is cringe to play without freeze. no one plays hu tao outside of vape. lyney is made for mono pyro and he shines and super cracked in mono pyro. no one with some sense would could him decent then praise those other dps' who also shine in one team comp.

    117 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    just decent ig, because he has limited comp. also just weird when u compared him with 'that' standard banner char (when u can use her for lyney's tenacity support)

    116 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    first childe simp, now this one?? uhh pls, why fatui contenders has some annoying simps

    115 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    yep. imo he just needs better aoe pyro sub dps. the ones we have now arent very synergistic with him. xiangling requires you to stay close to enemies so her pyronado can hit them all which counter lyney's ca playstyle where youd prefer to stay a bit far from enemies. then there is dehya who has wider aoe than xiangling but has meh off field dmg... lyney needs pyro nahida who can act as sub dps and support team dmg 🤔 maybe even provide interuption resistance for him.

    114 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    I also wanted to add that he is f2p friendly as his support characters are basically free and some 4 star bow weapons work well on him, not to mention his whole potential isn’t locked behind a constellation like Hu Tao. From what I’ve seen he has the potential to outshine most dps including Childe and Hu Tao.

    113 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    true, I was really suprised by how much dmg he can do and with little investment as well. His burst has very strong multipliers and his charged attack dmg is insane. I’d say he can rival even Hu Tao in some aspects!

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