Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments


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    5 Ravelheim8 monthsReport

    Thank you for the guide

    4 Anonymous11 monthsReport this guide is more detailed, read the book in the cavity all the way through which will allow you to move the scrolls using the adeptal energy, then use elemental sight to see the colours of the scrolls and the book shelf to rearrange it so all the colours match

    3 Anonymous11 monthsReport this guide is shit, try this one instead, you have to read the book all the way through and then you can move the scrolls, it should be fairly obvious where they are because the symbol comes up above it

    2 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    really should include more steps in here if you're gonna call it a guide. I got to the point of using elemental sight to see the color of scroll for each bookshelf but I have no clue about where the scrolls I need are

    1 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    Could you give instructions

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