Final Fantasy 16 (FF16)

The Breath of Lightning (Pile Drive) - Effect and How to Get

The Breath of Lightning (Pile Drive) is an accessory in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16). See an overview of The Breath of Lightning (Pile Drive), how to get it, its effects and stats, and The Breath of Lightning (Pile Drive) materials in our guide!

The Breath of Lightning (Pile Drive) Overview and Stats

The Breath of Lightning (Pile Drive) Basic Information

The Breath of Lightning (Pile Drive) Basic Information
FF16 - The Breath of Lightning (Pile Drive)
Type Rarity Buy Price Sell Price
Accessory 2 N/A 6200 gil
How to Get Acquired after completing the "Trial and Error" side quest.
Effect Reduces Pile Drive cooldown time by 4.2 seconds.
Description Residual lightning aether that, having failed to dissipate on the battlefield, has instead manifested into a solid form not unlike crystal, but with an elemental purity that renders it far more potent, if not highly specialized in its applications.

The Breath of Lightning (Pile Drive) Effects

Base Reduces Pile Drive cooldown time by 4.2 seconds.
+1 * Reduces Pile Drive cooldown time by 8.4 seconds.

Note: Reinforcement levels marked with * are only available in New Game Plus.

How to Get The Breath of Lightning (Pile Drive)

Ways to Get The Breath of Lightning (Pile Drive)

How to Get Acquired after completing the "Trial and Error" side quest.

Complete Trial and Error

You can obtain The Breath of Lightning (Pile Drive) by completing the "Trial and Error" quest in Final Fantasy 16.

Trial and Error Walkthrough

The Breath of Lightning (Pile Drive) Materials - Crafting and Reinforcement

The Breath of Lightning (Pile Drive) Cannot be Crafted or Reinforced

The Breath of Lightning (Pile Drive) and other accessories in Final Fantasy 16 cannot be crafted or reinforced. You instead get all base accessories and some upgraded ones while progressing through the story, finding them in treasure chests at certain locations, completing side quests, completing Chronoliths, and through other methods.

Crafting & Reinforcement Guide

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