FF7 Remake Keepers (story theory discussions)


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1 Anonymous04/07/2020 10:35 PMReport

To those who played the game. It is heavily implied that the game's story will SHIFT! The keepers are acting like admins. Try playing the original and the remake and the keepers appear to stop events that will make the story different from the og.

    2 Anonymous04/07/2020 10:37 PMReport

    Same guy. Hojo attempts to reveal Cloud's origin to the team but was stopped by the keepers. Soldiers appear when aerith and cloud meets up the first time but the soldiers were stopped. Keepers disappear and cloud and seph fights AC style.

    3 Anonymous04/07/2020 10:38 PMReport

    And if the keepers are permanently gone then there's a huge chance the game will differ greatly from the original now from part 2 onwards. And I am afraid that this can be a bad thing. Please dont fuck it up square.

    4 Anonymous04/07/2020 10:43 PMReport

    It feels like its going to be a separate world from the original. For time travel fans, its like the theory of the world line except that restriction got undone by the end of the game allowing this universe to alter their fate freely.

    5 Anonymous04/07/2020 10:46 PMReport

    Tl;dr something tries to keep the storyline the same. That thing gets removed and the world now goes its own way. Aerith might survive, the events after leaving midgar will change, and a lot more possibilities. And again, this can be good or bad.

    6 Anonymous04/07/2020 10:49 PMReport

    Now if they'll just call it FF7 alternate, and not a remake then it would all be good.

    7 Anonymous04/07/2020 10:53 PMReport

    What im afraid of is the newcomers who might think these major asspulls are also in the original. The remake is supposed to be for newplayers to re-experience the old classic but here thay are fucking up the story.

    8 Anonymous04/07/2020 10:54 PMReport

    Can we just call the game kingdom hearts 4?

    9 Anonymous04/07/2020 11:03 PMReport

    For those new players. Hojo doesnt reveal clouds story until the near end of the game.

    You bust your ass out of midgar, no seph fights, no barret stabs. No madam M, no leslie kyle, heck even no Roche.

    10 Anonymous04/10/2020 8:00 AMReport

    I'm pretty sure it's called Whispers.

    11 Anonymous04/12/2020 9:32 PMReport

    Something tells me the remake in the title doesn't refer to the game but it refers to how the party's gonna remake the events of the story. I mean isn't it weird to put the word in the title in the first place?

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