FF 7 Remake The good and the bad.


All posts (18 total)
1 Anonymous04/07/2020 9:51 PMReport

Hearing a lot of complaints and praises towards the game and a lot of people seem to have divided opinions. So what do you guys think about the good and badthings from the game?

    2 Anonymous04/07/2020 9:56 PMReport

    I've only ever heard of good things about the gameplay, the only major complaints I've heard of are ones about the story's pacing and the changes to it

    3 Anonymous04/07/2020 10:04 PMReport

    Its shit full of fan service. We also appreciate the attempt to flesh out some stories but what we expected was answering some plotholes, not extending a scene much longer than it necessarily needs. And oh, fan service (yeah I repeated it)

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