FF 7 Remake The good and the bad.


All posts (18 total)
1 Anonymous04/07/2020 9:51 PMReport

Hearing a lot of complaints and praises towards the game and a lot of people seem to have divided opinions. So what do you guys think about the good and badthings from the game?

    2 Anonymous04/07/2020 9:56 PMReport

    I've only ever heard of good things about the gameplay, the only major complaints I've heard of are ones about the story's pacing and the changes to it

    3 Anonymous04/07/2020 10:04 PMReport

    Its shit full of fan service. We also appreciate the attempt to flesh out some stories but what we expected was answering some plotholes, not extending a scene much longer than it necessarily needs. And oh, fan service (yeah I repeated it)

    4 Anonymous04/07/2020 10:15 PMReport

    The bad thing is, they extended those unecessary things instead of just extending the game to the end of disc 1. Lost of time wasted but square prolly dont care since it makes them money.

    5 Anonymous04/07/2020 10:19 PMReport

    Battle system is pretty good but the amount of time and fun you get for customizing your materia went down the drain. They tried to keep it as an rpg but I dont see the point of editing your materias to make sick combos like the past anymore.

    6 Anonymous04/07/2020 11:05 PMReport

    The good thing is the game will be different from the original. Ganeplaywise and storywise. This is also a bad thing since newcomers wont be able to re experience the original to its full glory. Guess they have to play the original now.

    7 Anonymous04/13/2020 10:01 PMReport

    Wow, that ending was crazy. It kinda makes the game feel like fanfiction of the original than being a proper remake

    8 Anonymous04/13/2020 10:02 PMReport

    I can feel the force in this one.

    9 Anonymous04/13/2020 10:39 PMReport

    "Ff7 remake" title changes to" ff7 what if" would probably be nice.

    10 Anonymous04/13/2020 10:59 PMReport

    It'd be cool if they did this for a bunch of FF tbh. Like what if Tidus never came to Spira in FFX?

    11 Anonymous04/13/2020 11:05 PMReport

    There are fan stories for those kind of things. And they're in pretty low demand. Its not as cool ad you think.

    12 Anonymous04/14/2020 10:39 PMReport

    The good? Everything. The bad? Story changes. Really nit up for that one.

    13 Anonymous04/15/2020 9:46 PMReport

    I mean its not that bad if u already played the original. Its only really bad for new players since they wont be able to get all the references and huge plot twists square will add in the remake.

    14 Anonymous04/15/2020 9:47 PMReport

    The funny thing you'll notice is new players will even hate people who complain about this when in fact, they dont know that the story changes is mostly harmful to them. So I guess, those people just really dont deserve this fandom.

    15 Anonymous04/15/2020 9:59 PMReport

    Yeah, can't believe Square Enix would market this to new players since you need to play the original to fully appreciate the remake's story

    16 Anonymous04/15/2020 10:03 PMReport

    Hahahhaha demn bandwagons. Excited for a remake of a game they didnt even play.

    17 Anonymous04/15/2020 10:09 PMReport

    ill stop you right there. The game is indeed marketed for both old and new players as said.

    I agree that the new players kinda dont understand why people are complaining about the story changes. That is toxic but what ur doing is too.

    18 Anonymous04/15/2020 10:10 PMReport

    I meant him. anyway, the best thing to do is to enjoy the game and let the newbies enjoy the "new story".

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