Circlet Stats and Basic Information

This is the armor page for Circlet from the game Final Fantasy IX (FFIX, FF9). Read on to learn about the stats, associated abilities, and where to obtain this piece of armor!

Circlet: Stats and Basic Information


Type Defense Evade Magic Defense Magic Evade
Hats - - 51 -
Bonuses Effects
- Nullifies Earth damage.

Abilities Learned From Circlet

Ability Effect
Jelly Prevents Petrify and Gradual Petrify.
Clear Headed Prevents Confusion.

Basic Information

Buy Price Sell Price Synthesizable?
This weapon cannot be purchased. 6,500gil Yes.

Character That Can Equip Circlet

Who Can Equip This Armor?

Where to Obtain

Obtain Via Synthesis

Shop Name Location
Black Cat Synthesis Shop (Disc 4) Black Mage Village

Synthesis Information

Synthesis Price Syntheis Item 1 Synthesis Item 2
20,000 gil Coronet Rosetta Ring

Related Links

FF9 Equipment Banner.pngGo back to the Equipment Front Page
Weapons Banner.pngWeapons Armor Banner.pngArmor


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