Zelda: Link's Awakening (Switch)

Hardhit Beetle Weakness and Locations

This is a page on the enemy Hardhit Beetle in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Remake) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to see Hardhit Beetle's weakness, how to defeat Hardhit Beetle, as well as where it can be found.

Hardhit Beetle: General Information

Hardhit Beetle
Hardhit Beetle
Enemy Type: Nightmare
Location: Color Dungeon
No. of Hits using Sword: 8
Attack 1 Pattern: Fires a spinning projectile that deals damage.
Attack 1 Damage: 1/2 Hearts
Basic Strategy: Defeat him quickly, as attacking him slowly will allow him to regenerate his health.

For a detailed walkthrough on how to defeat this boss, see the Color Dungeon Walkthrough page below.

Color Dungeon Walkthrough

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All Nightmares (Bosses)

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Evil Eagle Hot Head Hardhit Beetle
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