Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Gorou Rating and Best Builds(Page 2)Comment

Displaying entries 3 - 22 of 54 in total


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    21 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Not to forget that the first one disappears if a second one is cast

    20 favonius or sac bowover 2 yearsReport

    Sac bow is not that bad on Fischl, because its passive is really useful for her, you can have Oz on field most of the time thanks to that. But I do agree is not her BiS. However, Sac bow is useless on Gorou, his Elemental Skill has a CD equal to the duration of the banner he creates, so he's not taking advantage of the passive. It's better to go with Favonius bow.

    19 Ayaka and Eula Mainover 2 yearsReport

    If you guys are looking at full support Gorou 4pc would be okay I guess with er bow and sands def and healing bonus if you have c4 His def flare share kinda useless tbh so you can actually build him on a 2geo 2pyro team

    18 Ayaka and Eula Mainover 2 yearsReport

    Actually I disagree some people like to use fischl as a battery so they choose to use favonius and sac bow This enables her burst up using favonius or to better share energy or enable oz uptime on the field

    17 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    True, Favonius or sac is better on characters that have utilities like Venti, Diona, and Sara so they can spam their ult. Fischl on the other hand doesn't need to regenerate energy just to up her ult. Especially when you can use other characters such as Xinqiu with Sac Sword/ Favonius to generate energy for Fischl.

    16 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Imagine using Favonius or Sac on Fischl LULW. Stringless is BiS 4* weapon on Sub-DPS Fischl, better if you have Skyward for more dmg. My Fischl with 50% Crit , 180% Cdmg and 2k Attack carries hard on Spiral Abyss floor 12. Using Favonius or Sac on fischl waste her role as a Sub-DPS.

    15 Ayaka and Eula Mainover 2 yearsReport

    Oh and if you are confused about the def share basically if I cast gorou skill he will share flat def to the characters for example if my itto has 4000def and gorou can share 500 when cast his skill making it 4500 his burst can add onto that effect if I'm not wrong remember it's flat and does not the same as base.

    14 Ayaka and Eula Mainover 2 yearsReport

    For those who have inazuma characters such as thoma and ayaka please get gorou

    13 Ayaka and Eula Mainover 2 yearsReport

    Edgy has basically no use other than the er stat em is basically useless so is the additional atk

    12 Ayaka and Eula Mainover 2 yearsReport

    His best weapon would be Favonius and Sac Bow is okay but it is better for other characters such as fischl or Sara instead I'm a new gorou owner go gorou ahem If you see gorou skill finish the CD of the skill should also be finished focus on his utility instead of dmg er geo dmg bonus crit rate def er crit rate and dmg substat recommended 180% er best 220% as sub dps and better artifact choice use 2pc def 2pc emblem if u have c4 gorou change er sands to def tho getting it is not recommended

    11 Ayaka and Eula Mainover 2 yearsReport

    In terms of dmg he kinda is trash and so is his def share stta but anyways I'm not here for that

    10 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    I think favonius is better than elegy for him

    9 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    I also want gorou for my Geo team instead of Itto

    8 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Everyone hype for albedo and itto. I’m only hype for gorou ^^

    7 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    He a 4 star

    6 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Hope he is 4*. I want him and not only for limited time.

    5 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    I wouldn’t call Gorou trash

    4 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    how you going to say he trash but the character haven’t been released yet...

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