Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Kazuha Rating and Best Builds(Page 2)Comment

Displaying entries 3 - 22 of 170 in total


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    150 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Super mid character lol Even a 4 star does her work better then him.....feeling bad for thos who pulled lul

    149 Kazuha Hater10 monthsReport

    you do you but if i am a f2p and broke asf, have to choose Nahida (100% buff for Dendro comps and 50% buff for pyro dps) or recolored Aether (0 buff for Dendro comps and 100% buff for pyro dps) then i will choose Nahida anyday. Freeze team are not f2p so don't bring freeze comps arguments here

    148 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Honestly who care he won't pair with dendro Who's in their's right mind use him instead of Nahida Be honest he's much better for pyro dps team than nahida

    147 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    his C2 destroyed Sucrose's entire kit... so unfair.

    146 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    When a character is so good you have to nitpick his "cons". Just got his C2 after 2 long years, feels much happier than when I got married. My Ganyu Melt gonna be so deadly now....

    145 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    65 wishes dehya + kazuha + skyward atlas + light of foliar incision. Feels fucking good. Dehya was the only standart banner char i wanted and i lost my 50 50 to her. Damn i was lucky.

    144 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    Cuz 6.6% elem damage for main dps is worse than always having 100% energy for ultimate (kazuha and all other characters)

    143 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    Why is favounius ranked above sting if in all the builds sting is higher?

    142 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    just say that you don't know how Dendro works, simple I'm guessing you just used them and expect high dmg instantly

    141 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    I DON'T LIKE DENDRO AT ALL. I have Tighnari and use him because he's a good looking character.. Then some others and last banner I got in one pull Kaveh and Baizhu (had to look for his name since I forgot, that's how much I don't care) They are LAME. Leveled them up to 20 so I can have wishes for standard banner, nothing more. I will pull for him in 3.7, and then nothing until Kokomi reruns again!

    140 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    triggered much kid? it's just a game, ain't no one forcing ya to pull for him if ya ain't want to touch some grass and no need to get too triggered over a mere game

    139 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    TRUE. He can like gather klee’s bombs but venti’s burst can’t even do that

    138 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Any main dps builds because i really need i aint just gonna slap on some em and crit rate/dmg then call it a day im not gonna take that

    137 must pull my a$$about 1 yearReport

    Overrated piece of sh!t. Hoping future meta will change so this "true Anemo Archon/must pull" guy and his stans can stop delusion.

    136 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    another dendro metaslave, that's such a big bullsh1t... just because dendro came out few months ago doesnt mean all the meta revolves around it? yes, dendro is very good, i'd say it even is on top of the meta RIGHT NOW but that doesn't make others elements useless... kazuha still has like 70% of usage in the abyss, he is very flexible unit and you can pretty much put him everywhere.

    125 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    SS is over the top for exploration. Compared to perks from other characters. S max

    124 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Why is he SSS when he doesn't react with Dendro lol Dendro is the only element that matters.

    123 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Just hot it. At R1 it is already fixing Kazuha energy problem. My Kazuha is at C1 but his Burst has a bit difficulty to be ready after one rotation. Xiphos is really made for him

    122 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    it’ll probably out perform fav and sac by R4

    121 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    its definitely better than iron sting, though Favonius and Sac might still be better if you need good burst uptime and have low ER

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