Brawl Stars

Lola Stats, Skills, and Skins

This page will show you all about Lola, a character in Brawl Stars. Read on to learn Lola's stats, attacks, gadgets, star powers, best maps, skins, and how to use Lola!

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This page will show you all about Lola, a character in Brawl Stars. Read on to learn Lola's stats, attacks, gadgets, star powers, best maps, skins, and how to use Lola!

Basic Information

Brawler Type Damage Dealer
Rarity Chromatic
Health 4000 (Lv. 1)
Movement Speed Normal
Range Long
How to Get Brawl Pass Tier 30 (Season 9)


• She can create a copy of herself with her Super.
• Has good crowd control because of her attack's wide hit range.
• Her Super skill charges fast.


• Her Super has lower health than her
• Gadgets and Star Powers can only shine on specific situations.

Normal Attack and Super

Diamond Eyes - Normal Attack

Lola's favorite accessory is also her favorite weapon! It shoots from the eyes in short bursts and with plenty of panache.

Damage 6 x 280
Range Long
Reload Speed Normal

Note: This is the stat of Diamond Eyes at Power Level 1.

Megalomaniac - Super Skill

Lola releases her Ego that mimics her every move.

Range Normal

Note: This is the stat of Megalomaniac at Power Level 1.

Gadgets and Star Powers


Freeze FrameFreeze Frame Lola's Ego stops moving to strike a pose! Gaining a 75% shield for 4 seconds.
Charges per match: 3

Star Powers

ImproviseImprovise When down to her last round, Lola deals an extra 30% damage.
Currently UnavailableSealed with a Kiss The projectiles of Lola's duplicate version heal 100 Health Points of a teammate (100 on each hit).

Best Maps for Lola

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How to Use Lola

Poking Playstyle

It will be best to poke your enemies and avoid committing to a fight to charge her Super quickly, without having to die. It suits her well as her attack has a wide range and can hit enemies from afar.

Using Megalomaniac Super

There are several ways to use Lola's Super in a battle. You can deal more damage, have a better crowd control ability, and get a shield up front by placing her Super in front, close of you. It can also support allies if you put it near them, but make sure not to focus on her Super only to avoid getting into sticky situations.

Another trick for her Super is you can use walls to move away far from it or get closer to it. Put her Super behind a wall and move closer or away from it. Use this trick to adapt to changing situations quickly.

Freeze Frame Gadget

You can reposition without moving your Super if you use the Freeze Frame Gadget. Freeze Frame Gadget stops the Super from moving and gives it a shield to protect it from getting destroyed while being frozen in a spot. You can also use it as a temporary wall to block attacks if you put her Super in front of her.

Equip Improvise for additional damage

Your attack can deal more damage if you equip her with Improvise Star Power. The last charge of her attack will do more damage, so it is better to drain her attack charges to get the bonus damage from this Star Power.

Sealed with a Kiss provides healing

You can make Lola a balanced Brawler with this Star Power. You can provide damage while giving her team heal for each attack her Super lands. A great partner for her with this Star Power is a Tank, as it can act as an attack blocker for her while receiving healing from Lola.

Lola's Skins


Cost: Brawl Pass Tier 70 Where: Brawl Pass

Brawl Stars Related Guides

By Rarity

Reward - Brawl Stars.pngReward Rare - Brawl Stars.pngRare
Super Rare - Brawl Stars.pngSuper Rare Epic - Brawl Stars.pngEpic
Mythic - Brawl Stars.pngMythic Legendary - Brawl Stars.pngLegendary
Chromatic - Brawl Stars.pngChromatic

By Type

Fighter - Brawl Stars.pngFighter Sharpshooter - Brawl Stars.pngSharp Shooter
Heavyweight - Brawl Stars.pngHeavy Weight Thrower - Brawl Stars.pngThrower
Support - Brawl Stars.pngSupport Unique - Brawl Stars.pngUnique Type

By Range

Short - Brawl Stars.pngShort Range Normal - Brawl Stars.pngNormal Range
Long Range - Brawl Stars.pngLong Range Very Long Range - Brawl Stars.pngVery Long Range


3 DragapultYT NotYourNoob over 3 years

Is she worth it?

2 Lolaover 3 years

Yes, dear?


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