Brawl Stars

Meg Stats, Skills, and Skins

This page will show you all about Meg, a character in Brawl Stars. Read on to learn Meg's stats, attacks, gadgets, star powers, best maps, skins, and how to use her!

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This page will show you all about Meg, a character in Brawl Stars. Read on to learn Meg's stats, attacks, gadgets, star powers, best maps, skins, and how to use her!

Basic Information

Brawler Type Damage Dealer
Rarity Legendary
Health 2200 (Lv. 1)
Movement Speed Fast
Range Long
How to Get Shop or Brawl Boxes


• Can get into a powerful Mecha with her Super.
• Has a long range and fast movement speed that helps her evade her opponents' attacks.
• You can charge her Super fast, in normal or Mecha form.


• Has a low combat ability without her Super.
• One of the brawlers with the lowest HP in the game.

Meg Normal Attack and Super

Target Acquired - Normal Attack

Meg fires a short burst from her blaster that pokes at her enemies' patience.

Damage 2 x 300
Range Long
Reload Speed Very Fast

Note: This is the stat of Target Acquired at Power Level 1.

Mega Machina - Super Skill

Meg jumps into her Mecha for some colossal carnage!

Duration 1s

Note: This is the stat of Mega Machina at Power Level 1.

Mega Machina Stats

Health, Movement Speed, and Range

Health 5000 (Lv. 1)
Movement Speed Normal
Range Normal

Crowd Control - Normal Attack

A strong barrage of bullets that leaves nothing a chance. It's the quickest way to make crowds disperse!

Damage 8 x 240
Range Normal
Reload Speed Normal

Note: This is the stat of Crowd Control at Power Level 1.

Feel the Steel - Super Skill

The Mecha swings a formidable forearm that enemies will see and feel.

Damage 2400
Range Normal

Note: This is the stat of Feel the Steel at Power Level 1.

Gadgets and Star Powers


Jolting VoltsJolting Volts Heal the Mecha by 450 health per second for 5 seconds.
Charges per match: 3

Star Powers

Force FieldForce Field Meg is protected by 30 seconds when her Mecha is destroyed.
Heavy MetalHeavy Metal Upon expiring, the mecha suit explodes dealing 1000 damage to nearby opponents and pushing them away.

Best Maps for Meg


Clash ColosseumClash Colosseum Dune DriftDune Drift Dried Up RiverDried Up River

Gem Grab

Arène en folieArène en folie Double SwooshDouble Swoosh UndermineUndermine
Deathcap TrapDeathcap Trap Acute AngleAcute Angle Stardust StormStardust Storm
Gem BashGem Bash PiercedPierced Gem SourceGem Source
Flooded MineFlooded Mine


Quick SkipQuick Skip Purple ParadisePurple Paradise Shooting StarShooting Star
Storm AttackStorm Attack HideoutHideout Cube ForceCube Force
Electric ZoneElectric Zone


Snaked AssaultSnaked Assault Hot PotatoHot Potato G.G. MortuaryG.G. Mortuary
Safe ZoneSafe Zone Bridge Too FarBridge Too Far Rattlesnake RavineRattlesnake Ravine
Diagonal AlleyDiagonal Alley

Brawl Bawl

Fast ForkFast Fork Jumping BeansJumping Beans EncirclementEncirclement
Field GoalField Goal Super StadiumSuper Stadium Backyard BowlBackyard Bowl
Side StrikeSide Strike Pinball DreamsPinball Dreams Pinhole PuntPinhole Punt
Power ShotPower Shot Slalom SlamSlalom Slam Firm GripFirm Grip


Factory RushFactory Rush Bot DropBot Drop Power WasherPower Washer
Assembly AttackAssembly Attack Robo RingRobo Ring Bric-a-BracBric-a-Brac

Hot Zone

Magnetic FieldMagnetic Field Dueling BeetlesDueling Beetles SplitSplit
Parallel PlaysParallel Plays Ring of FireRing of Fire Time WarpTime Warp
Open BusinessOpen Business Danger Zone (Hot Zone)Danger Zone (Hot Zone)


BelleBelle's Rock

Special Events

Super CitySuper City Open SeasonOpen Season Shore ShotShore Shot
Currently UnavailableCauliflower ReversalReversal Ball HogBall Hog
Lit MatchLit Match Tiger LeapTiger Leap Block PartyBlock Party
Trophy TrespassTrophy Trespass Twisted PlanTwisted Plan Power AlleyPower Alley

How to Use Meg

Get Mega Machina ready fast

Brawl Stars - How to Use Meg - Play Aggressively.jpg
Meg doesn't have enough firepower on without her Super. Always look for a fight to charge her Super fast but be careful not to die, or it will take longer to load it and get back on battle. You can take advantage of her long-range to hit your enemies from a distance and get her Super ready.

Using Mega Machina

Brawl Stars - How to Use Meg - Using Mega Machina.jpg
Look for a fight once you've activated Meg's Mega Machina to maximize its HP. It will lose HP over time so take out as many enemies before you revert to human form again.

Brawl Stars - How to Use Meg - Mega Machina Super.jpg
Mega Machina has its Normal Attack and Super as well. Its Super ability charges automatically over time, dealing tremendous damage to enemies in an arc, while her Normal Attack can easily wipe out enemies who got fully hit by it.

Jolting Volts can heal Mega Machina

Brawl Stars - How to Use Meg - Jolting Volts Gadget.jpg
When Mega Machina is active, you can use the Jolting Volts to repair it and recover a bit of health. It will help Mega Machina to last longer and bring more onslaught against your enemies. You can get it from Brawl Boxes or Shop once Meg reaches Power Level 7.

Force Field Star Power

Brawl Stars - How to Use Meg - Force Field Star Power.jpg
You will have a temporary shield up once you come out on the Mega Machina. It decreases the damage you take, which will help you survive longer in battle. It will also help you with aggressive plays so you can charge your Mega Machina again.

Heavy Metal Star Power

Brawl Stars - How to Use Meg - Heavy Metal Star Power.jpg
Heavy Metal Star Power will make your Mega Machina leave the field with a bang. It is a good counter against melee opponents, as it can prevent them from recklessly going for you once your Mega Machina is close to destruction. It will also give you some space from your enemies, helping you escape them easier.

Meg's Skins

Meg doesn't have any skins as of the moment. We will update you once they come out!

Brawl Stars Related Guides

By Rarity

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By Type

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Support - Brawl Stars.pngSupport Unique - Brawl Stars.pngUnique Type

By Range

Short - Brawl Stars.pngShort Range Normal - Brawl Stars.pngNormal Range
Long Range - Brawl Stars.pngLong Range Very Long Range - Brawl Stars.pngVery Long Range


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