Brawl Stars

How to Win the Championship Challenge

This page will show you the information about the Championship Challenge in Brawl Stars. Read on to know the availability date, rules, maps, and rewards for the Championship Challenges!

We regret to announce that we are ending the coverage of Brawl Stars. Thank you for all the support in reading our coverage of updates, event guides and character releases for Brawl Stars.

Brawl Stars Championship Challenge - Brawl Stars.png
This page will show you the information about the Championship Challenge in Brawl Stars. Read on to know the availability date, rules, maps, and rewards for the Championship Challenges!

What is the Championship Challenge?

What is Championship Challenges - Brawl Stars.png
The Brawl Stars Championship Challenge is a permanent event that shows up from time to time, where players get a chance to win Star Points, Brawl Boxes, or Coins for winning. Win all 15 rounds, you'll take all the Star Points, but lose three times, and you'll be out of the challenge!

Availability Date:

September 18 - 8:00am (GMT) ~ September 20 - 8:00am (GMT)

Championship Challenge is available from September 18 and will end on September 20. Make sure to participate in this challenge and win each battle to earn Brawl Boxes, Star Points, and Coins!

Rules & How to Play

All Available Characters are Maxed Out

Maxed Out Character - Brawl Stars.png
All Brawlers will have their power level maxed out, and all Star Power and Gadgets will also be available. This feature makes it fair for players who have not any maxed-out Brawlers or only have limited Brawlers on their pool.

Lose 3 times and you're out!

3 Loses and you
Be careful when selecting a Brawler on a map, as you won't get to participate again once you lose three times. Make sure to use the best character on the current map to increase your chances of winning. We also recommend teaming up with your friends or club members and create the best team before taking on that map!

5 Stages and Brawl Events

FIve Stages and Brawl Events - Brawl Stars.png
There are five stages you can take on on this challenge. You'll start on stage one, and if you win three times on that stage, you'll move on to the next one. You will greater rewards on your third win on each stage, so make sure to win up to the end to get more Star Points!

Stage Maps & Rewards

Layer CakeLayer Cake
1st Win: Brawl Box 2nd Win: Brawl Box 3rd Win: New Pin
Pit StopPit Stop
1st Win: Big Box 2nd Win: Big Box 3rd Win: 750 Star Points
Dueling BeetlesDueling Beetles
1st Win: 150 Coins 2nd Win: 300 Coins 3rd Win: 750 Star Points
Ice FortIce Fort
1st Win: 150 Coins 2nd Win: 300 Coins 3rd Win: 1000 Star Points
Sneaky FieldsSneaky Fields
1st Win: 150 Coins 2nd Win: 300 Coins 3rd Win: 1500 Star Points

Championship Challenge Tips

Team Up!

Team Up! - Brawl Stars.jpg
Team up with your friends or clubmates and create a team with good chemistry. You will have a higher chance of winning if you form a party with them, as you can converse on what Brawlers and tactics to use on each stage and map.

Discussion BoardDiscussion Board Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board

Use Thrower and Heavyweight Brawlers

Use the Best Brawlers on each Map.jpg
Getting the right Brawler on the right Brawl Event will increase your chances of winning. Specifically, Thrower and Heavyweight Brawlers have the advantage on the maps, as they have lots of walls that favors those Brawlers.

Brawl Stars Related Guides

Brawl Stars Wiki - Brawl Stars.pngGo Back to Brawl Stars Top Page
Character Tier Lists - Brawl Stars.pngCharacter Tier List Best Teams - Brawl Stars.pngBest Team
List of Brawlers and Characters - Brawl Stars .pngList of Characters List of Beginner Guides.pngBeginner Guides
List of Maps - Brawl Stars .pngList of Maps Events & Updates - Brawl Stars .pngEvents & Updates
List of All Skins - Brawl Stars.pngList of Skins


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