New Horror Ideas


All posts (49 total)
1 Anonymous04/17/2020 4:40 AMReport

This thread evolved from the Desensitized Horror Fans thread, because new ideas for horror games were starting to get interesting. Post your new idea here or contribute to existing ones!

    35 Anonymous04/20/2020 9:58 PMReport

    Well, I was thinking about this exercise app that used social motivation to make sure you achieve your workout goals. Before you can use it, you have to add friends who would monitor your progress.

    36 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:00 PMReport

    If you don't hit your goals, your friends would know, which would be embarrassing? To avoid embarrassment, you had to stick to your workout schedule. To make sure you don't fake it, the app requires you to use your phone's fitness tracker.

    37 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:00 PMReport

    Okok, but how would that translate to this Social Anxiety horror game?

    38 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:02 PMReport

    It's hard to say, because the best way to combat social anxiety (aside from therapy) is to go out into the real world and interact. If you're stuck in a game, wouldn't that defeat the purpose?

    39 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:03 PMReport

    Yeah, and I think the game would exploit an already-misunderstood fear for profit. I don't think this is a good idea.

    40 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:03 PMReport

    Yeah. It's a mental illness. We should leave this one alone.

    41 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:04 PMReport

    All right. What about other fears? The fear of memory loss? The fear of the unknown?

    42 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:05 PMReport

    I've never thought about the fear of memory loss, but now I'm kind of scared of it too.

    43 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:07 PMReport

    How would that translate into a game? Also, I don't know if that many people have that fear. Would people be compelled to play a game that makes you forget? If only the character forgets, but you remember, what's there to be scared about?

    44 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:07 PMReport

    Sigh. Good point. I guess it's not a great idea.

    45 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:09 PMReport

    I guess the reason why there isn't much variety in horror games out there is because there aren't many other types of fears that could be feared by the masses.

    46 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:09 PMReport

    There are all of these specific fears, but not many of them are playable. Not many of them are something people would be excited to play.

    47 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:10 PMReport

    So devs stick to what works survival, monsters, and the supernatural.

    48 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:12 PMReport

    Still, there has to be a way to scare the masses in a new way. Never say never. Horror, the way it is now, could work forever. But people like us are already getting bored. If we can get bored, a lot of other people can get bored.

    49 Anonymous04/20/2020 10:14 PMReport

    Well, Kojima already did something about the fear of the unknown with PT and he's working on the next thing. Let's see what he comes up with.

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